SiftySifty is a open source library that extract SIFT keypoins from a image. Writed by pure c++ and does't need any other library.
Only include extracting SIFT keypoints form a image, does't contains match and display. The SIFT algorithm ref:Lowe, D. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004), pp.91--110. Website:
Running The demo must need OpenCV. The demo includes display the keypoints on a image and match between with OpenCV.
the keypoints that draws in the image is detected by SiftySifty and displayed by OepnCV.
the keypoints that draws in the image is detected by SiftySifty and matching&display is by OepnCV.
math keypoints between SiftySifty and OpenCV, left is SiftySifty, right is OpenCV. Displayed by OepnCV.