###Here be dragons!
This is a base skeleton Django project configured with the following libraries in a pip requirements.txt file:
- django
- south
- django-registration
- django-debug-toolbar
- django-extensions
- django-storages
- django-templates
- django-registration-templates
Ideally, this project can be used in conjunction with django-vagrant as there's a custom fabfile so you don't have to pollute your own development machine.
- Custom fabfile.py for use with django-vagrant
- HTML templates via django-templates
- Registration templates via django-registration-templates
If you don't have django-vagrant installed, please mozy on over and install it. You'll thank me later. (Maybe :D)
You'll also probably need Python and Fabric installed. At the time of this writing, I tested this with Python 2.7.5 and Fabric 1.6.1
git clone http://github.com/ryankanno/django-skeleton
# clone the repo
Assuming you have the django-vagrant up and running, we can use fabric to install this skeleton to the Vagrant instance.
fab production master setup
fab production configure_www:file=etc/nginx.conf.in
fab production configure_uwsgi:file=etc/uwsgi.conf.in
Once you've made changes to the skeleton project, run the following
fab production master deploy
# deploy the codesfab production app:restart
# restart the uwsgi server
Point your browser at
##Supported Fabric Commands
###Redeploy codes
fab production master deploy
# deploy the codes
fab production master deploy:update_requirements=True
# deploy the codes with requirements
###Web server
fab production configure_www:file=etc/nginx.conf.in
# Update conf file - uses relative path from repo rootfab production www:[start|stop|restart]
# pass through to init.d commands
###App server
fab production configure_uwsgi:file=etc/uwsgi.conf.in
# Update conf file - uses relative path from repo rootfab production app:[start|stop|restart]
# pass through to init.d commands
###Maintenance pages
fab production maintenance_up
# Will prompt for a reasonfab production maintenance_down
# Removes the maintenance page
###Execute manage.py commands
fab production manage:syncdb
# Run syncdbfab production manage:collectstatic
# Run collectstatic