Extends TextMeshPro by adding in text animations. This package works by accessing the character meshes that TextMeshPro is built on. These meshes are then animated in a number of different ways, and a simple typewriter effect is also included. Tagged commands entered into a TextMeshPro text component are automatically parsed and interpreted into text animations.
On the TMP_Testing component in the Inspector, modify the sentence that you'd like displayed. Standard text and supported TextMeshPro tags are supported. You may also enter custom commands using the following template:
<command : a0, f0x, f0y, a1, f1x, f1y> text </command>
- command = the command tag itself. Two commands are currently supported -> "wave" and "jitter"
- : = the separator between the command tag and parameter fields
- , = the parameter separator (commas MUST be present - whitespace is not interpreted as a separator)
- a0 = the amplitude applied to the updated function evaluation
- f0x = the frequency applied to the x-component of the updated function evaluation
- f0y = the frequency applied to the y-component of the updated function evaluation
- a1 = the amplitude applied to the previous function evaluation
- f1x = the frequency applied to the x-component of the previous function evaluation
- f1y = the frequency applied to the y-component of the previous function evaluation
- text = the text string that the animation is applied to
- /command = closing token for text animation command