#Bright! Energy Services
Live Demo: http://alyrichardson.com/ell-bright
This sample home page was created on the Polaris SASS starter, authored by 40Digits (I helped a bit with its creation while I worked there). https://github.com/40Digits/polaris
The entire layout of the homepage is stored in: ./index.html
Javascript used:
./assets/js/script.js JQuery external library
The specific styles for this project are located in:
./_src/sass/layout/_nav ./_src/sass/layout/_main ./_src/sass/layout/_footer ./_src/sass/settings/_icons
Options and values were added in:
./_src/sass/settings/_colors ./_src/sass/settings/_options
The Polaris framework uses ./_src/sass/style.scss to compile and convert from SCSS to CSS and outputs to ./assets/css/style.css