A fully automated Dashcam system written for the Raspberry pi in bash and Python3. It will record trips and upload these to a server when Wifi is available
Work in progress
- mysql connector
- json
- requests
- pySerial
- pynmea2
Linux packages (Raspberry pi)
- rfcomm
- mysqladmin
- WiringPi
- gpsdate (Pre compiled ARM binary included) Link
- v4l-utils (For disabling autofocus on Logitech C920, optional)
- ffmpeg
- mysql server
For automatic launch on boot crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
@reboot sudo screen -dm -S cd /home/pi/ && sudo bash main.sh
Bluetooth Pairing
Pair your OBDII device using bluetoothctl before launch
- Create a new database called Dashcam
- Import the included sql file into Dashcam
Extra Create a folder called "recording" in the project root
- Raspberry PI
- Logitech C920
- NEO-6M GPS module (Serial)
- Relay
- ~12V to 5V converter
- ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter
- GPS serial TX/RX to Raspberry pi UART RX/TX
- Camera to any USB port
- Relay connected to auxiliary power of car (on when key in aux position) to Raspberry pi GPIO pin 9 (reset) and ground
I experienced issues when using the onboard bluetooth of the Raspberry pi 3 (Kernel panics) I could not figure this issue out so for now I use a cheap Bluetooth USB dongle