C# has a lovely feature which is pass by reference, for every Java beginner it's not the easiest thing to implement the same logic or something similar.
the most useful method that I used in C# was tryParse which made my life easier to work around input mismatches.
the method in C# will take in a string and a reference object, then will try to spit out a value of the desired type + that it actually returns a boolean weather it succeeded or not which in my opinion is awesome!
well this is what I tried to simulate here in java by creating a Ref class which will hold an object of a generic type that will be used to send in the data type that you wish to the Parser class tryParse method! and that's it actually not that complicated for a beginner!
Ref<Integer> out = new Ref<>(); // create instance of ref object "out"
boolean check = Parser.tryParseInt(scanner.nextLine(), out); // hint C#
while (!check) {
System.out.print("invalid! not an integer, try again: ");
check = Parser.tryParseInt(scanner.nextLine(), out); // hint C#
System.out.println("Congrats! you have entered the integer: " + out);
©Mohamad Ojail