This application is a simple microservice that will accept a text string and pass it on to IBM Watson's tone analysis service. To use this application you will need to have IBM Bluemix and a Watson Tone Analysis Service setup and enabled.
You will need to have the enviornment variables set with the credentials you get from the IBM Watson Bluemix interface.
We have included a Dockerfile and a requirements.txt file to create a base container that serves up this microservice.
- Docker
- Python
- Flask
- pip
How to create a Tone Analysis service using Watson on IBM Bluemix.
Walkthrough of this package and using Docker to run it
If you set the environment variable "SIDECAR" to be the hostname of a Redis sidecar container on default port the tone service will perform a sha256 hash of all input messages and store the resulting value to Redis. Any subsequent calls for that key will return the cached value instead of a new call to Bluemix.