A database editor for structured text files
- Based on YML
- Schema files describe possible fields for data files and how to edit,validate, & display them
- Types:
- plaintext
- markdown
- number
- date
- duration
- pointer (link/ref to another file or URI)
- typed array (e.g., array of markdown fields or pointers)
- checklist
- datestamp (*hard to guarantee integrity if editing outside)
- freeform? raw yml
- embedded schema? adhoc typed fields
- Extensions:
- Allow defining new types with edit/validate/display widgets
Open a folder
Remember last folder location on startup
Show all files in list
Open a specific file
Define a schema file that applies to whole directory
Allow files to reference a specific schema
Include some base schema types, allow ref without local schema file (e.g., recipe, journal, todolist)
"New" (from schema) create a file from schema
- Default values/non-null fields
- Smart templates (reference current date?)
Click anywhere modify
Don't autosave (have a save button)?
Autoname new files with something easy to use
Schema editor (schema for schemas)
Attachment manager
Search features
- Quicksearch file name
- Structured search, based on field
- Create and save an index file?
- Smart re-index based on file system metadata (last changed)?
- Partial re-index? Only traverse newly-changed files.
- Content hash index - detect changes outside TextDB program (e.g. to validate modified_at integrity)
Bulk operations
- Filter/search => update selection
- Schema migration