This handy little utility will read a MySQL database and migrate the data to DynamoDB. It does the "lift" for you so that you can focus on the "shift".
The cli uses SharedConfigEnable from the AWS SDK to read your config values. This includes credentials, region, and support for assume role. It will load its configuration from both the shared config file (~/.aws/config) and shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
When putting items in DynanoDB this utility leverages the BatchWriteItem operation. The batch size maybe up to 25 items per batch, or 16MB of data in total. If your items are very large you should consider lowering batch-size to have fewer but larger items in each batch. More info on this
will convert you PK to a string in DynamoDB. Since there is no sush thing as auto_increment in DynamoDB and you probably want to use UUID for PK this is the flag to use.
is useful when you intend to migrate several multi-tenant databases to a DynamoDB silo model. It will prefix all DynamoDB tables with the database name and using -prefix-separator
as separator. E.g. Tenant1_Customer, Tenant2_Customer and so on.
will treat any tinyint as a boolean in DynamoDB.
-batch-size int
Batch size (default 25)
Create DynamoDB table is missing
-database string
MySQL database to be read from
Convert PK to string
Shows this help
-mysql-host string
MySQL hostname (default "localhost")
-mysql-password string
MySQL password (default "root")
-mysql-port string
MySQL port number (default "3306")
-mysql-username string
MySQL username (default "root")
-prefix-separator string
Separator if prefix is used (default "_")
Use database as prefix for DynamoDB table name
-table string
Table to be migrate, if omitted all tables will be migrated
Convert tinyint to bool
Just download and run a pre-built release