Any students in that class follow the instructions at Github Setup to begin. This is part of the first assignment in the class and necessary for turning in assignments throughout the semester.
Read through the Wiki on this repository to understand how each class works. This Wiki focuses on the code in PA1.
This repository has been forked and is now used by Alexander Novotny.
Made with Matt Johnson
This is a simple colored triangle on the screen. To run this project cd PA0
then follow the instructions in the
This is a cube that rotates in place on the screen. To run this project cd PA1
then follow the instructions in the
A cube rotates on screen in a direction specified by the keyboard. Rotation and spin speed/direction is all conrolled by the keyboard. To run this project cd PA2
then follow the instructions in the
First part of solar system with our inner planets and the moon around Earth. Menu system to control speed and camera. To run this project cd PA3
then follow the instructions in the
This project loads object and material files to give planets a real planet look and simulate day/night time. To run this project cd PA4
then follow the instructions in the
Nothing too new. Same models being loaded by Assimp this time. To run this project cd PA5
then follow the instructions in the
Planets with textures and orbital paths. To run this project cd PA6
then follow the instructions in the
The grand finale. To run this project cd PA7
then follow the instructions in the
Some physics based dynamic spheres, static cylinders, four walls, and a cube to bat some spheres around into things.
Spotlights that follow a ball.
Full Pinball game with a ball launcher, paddles, bumpers and scoring on a table.
Full Pool (Pocket Billiards) game.