It main purpose of this software is to help perform crossmatch between massive catalogs using pyspark.
It contains a simplified and minimal version of Astroide ( that is written in Scala and provides also a Python wrapper.
(0) Requirements
- Python 3.7+
- Spark 3.3+
(1) Installation
- Compile Scala code:
$>./gradlew clean build
$>cp build/minimal_astroide-1.0.1.jar TARGET_PATH
$>cp libs/healpix-1.0.jar TARGET_PATH
- Install Python package:
$>cd python_wrapper
$>python3 install
(2) Configuration
Add to Spark configuration the TARGET_PATH of the jar files needed:
spark.jars TARGET_PATH/minimal_astroide.jar,TARGET_PATH/healpix-1.0.jar
(3) Usage
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
spark= SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
api = AstroideAPI()
catalogx ="xxx")
allwise ="s3a://allwise/*")
#create helpix index
healpix_level = 12
df_healpix = api.create_healpix_index(df,12,'ra','dec')
#perform crossmatch
radius = 1.0/3600. #arc-sec
best = True #only best match
result = api.xmatch(allwise,catalogx,healpix_level,radius,best)
(4) Catalogs
- ALLWISE: s3://allwise
- GAIA DR2: s3://gaia-dr2
- SDSS DR16: s3://sdss-dr16