Jekyll for
Everything in this repository is automatically transformed by Jekyll into a static site whenever I push this repository to GitHub and is uploaded to
- On every post + front page latest post
- On every post
- Disqus Comments
- Pretty permalinks (/year/month/day/post-slug/)
- Plugins
- rdiscount
- If you are planning to fork this blog, please note a few things:
- Change the hCard at the bottom of default.html to your own
- You may find this useful. Copy paste it into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile and run update_blog
alias update_blog='git add . && git commit -a && git push && jekyll && rsync -avz --delete _site/ USERNAME@DOMAIN:/var/www/DOMAIN/'
- Robbie Trencheny for the code that I forked this from.
- Tom Preston-Werner for Jekyll and his theme, named tpw.
- Tate Johnson for his wonderful theme.
- Paul Robert Lloyd for his beautiful Social Media Icons
The following directories and their contents are Copyright, 2002 - 2011 Al Jigen Billings. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:
- _posts/*
- images/*
All other directories and files are Creative Commons BY 3.0 licensed. Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please.