Basic console application for ToDo management.
Clone the repository.
Compile -> javac *.java
BUNDLING - Build jar file -> jar cfe ToDoApp.jar MainApp *.class
(from the class files)
Run the application -> java -jar ToDoApp.jar
(from the location where jar file is located)
Run the application by just clicking ->
navigate where the jar file is located.
create a batch file. run_todo.bat
(from the location where jar file is located)
Edit the content of .bat file java -jar ToDoApp.jar
By clicking the run_todo.bat file the application opens directly
JAR FILE -------- A JAR file, or Java ARchive, is a file format that compresses and bundles multiple Java-related files into one. JAR files are based on the ZIP file format, and can be used for general archiving. BATCH FILE ---------- A batch file is a script file that contains a series of commands that are executed in order when the file is run.