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Code style and rule set for automatic fixing and checking of Kotlin code


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(!) See diKTat codestyle first.

(!) Have a look at maven and gradle examples of usage diKTat with plugins

DiKTat is a collection of Kotlin code style rules implemented as AST visitors on top of KTlint. The full list of available supported rules and inspections is here.

Run as CLI-application

  1. Install KTlint (until this PR is merged you will need to use KTlint fork):

    $ curl -sSLO && chmod a+x ktlint
  2. Load diKTat manually: here

    OR use curl:

    $ curl -sSLO
  3. Finally, run KTlint (with diKTat injected) to check your *.kt files in dir/your/dir:

    $ ./ktlint -R diktat.jar "dir/your/dir/**/*.kt"

To autofix all violations use -F option.

Run with Maven Plugin

You can see how it is configured in our project for self-checks: pom.xml

First, add this to your pom.xml file:


Then, add this plugin:

                      <target name="ktlint">
                          <java taskname="ktlint" dir="${basedir}" fork="true" failonerror="true"
                                classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" classname="com.pinterest.ktlint.Main">
                              <arg value="src/main/**/*.kt"/>
                              <arg value="src/test/kotlin/**/*.kt"/>
                  <version>0.37.1-fork</version> <!-- use this fork to be compatible with diktat -->
                      <exclusion>  <!-- without this exclusion both rulesets are enabled which we discourage -->
                  <version>1.0.1</version> <!-- replace it with diktat latest version -->

In case you want to add autofixer with diKTat ruleset just extend the snippet above with <arg value="-F"/>.

To run diktat to check/fix code style - run $ mvn antrun:run@diktat.

Run with Gradle Plugin

You can see how it is configured in our project for self-checks: build.gradle.kts. Add the code below to your build.gradle.kts:

val ktlint by configurations.creating

repositories {
    // artipie - an open source project that is used to store ktlint and diktat dependencies
    maven {
        url = uri("")

dependencies {
    ktlint("com.pinterest:ktlint:0.37.1-fork") {
        // need to exclude standard ruleset to use only diktat rules
        exclude("com.pinterest.ktlint", "ktlint-ruleset-standard")

    // diktat ruleset
    ktlint("org.cqfn.diktat:diktat-rules:1.0.1") {
        exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-log4j12")

val outputDir = "${project.buildDir}/reports/diktat/"
val inputFiles = project.fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "src", "include" to "**/*.kt"))

val diktatCheck by tasks.creating(JavaExec::class) {

    description = "Check Kotlin code style."
    classpath = ktlint
    main = "com.pinterest.ktlint.Main"

    // specify proper path to sources that should be checked here
    args = listOf("src/main/kotlin/**/*.kt")

val diktatFormat by tasks.creating(JavaExec::class) {

    description = "Fix Kotlin code style deviations."
    classpath = ktlint
    main = "com.pinterest.ktlint.Main"

    // specify proper path to sources that should be checked here
    args = listOf("-F", "src/main/kotlin/**/*.kt")

To run diktat to check/fix code style - run $ gradle diktatCheck.

Customizations via rules-config.json

In KTlint, rules can be configured via .editorconfig, but this does not give a chance to customize or enable/disable each and every rule independently. That is why we have supported rules-config.json that can be easily changed and help in customization of your own rule set. It has simple fields: name — name of the rule, enabled (true/false) — to enable or disable that rule, and configuration — a simple map of some extra unique configurations for the rule. For example:

"configuration": {
  "isCopyrightMandatory": true,
  "copyrightText": "Copyright (c) Jeff Lebowski, 2012-2020. All rights reserved."

Note, that you can specify and put rules-config.json that contains configuration of diktat in the parent directory of your project on the same level where build.gradle/pom.xml is stored.
See default configuration in rules-config.json
Also see the list of all rules supported by diKTat.

How to contribute?

Main components are:

  1. diktat-ruleset — number of rules that are supported by diKTat;
  2. diktat-test-framework — functional/unit test framework that can be used for running your code fixer on the initial code and compare it with the expected result;
  3. also see our demo: diktat-demo in a separate repository.

Mainly we wanted to create a common configurable mechanism that will give us a chance to enable/disable and customize all rules. That's why we added logic for:

  1. Parsing .json file with configurations of rules and passing it to visitors;
  2. Passing information about properties to visitors. This information is very useful, when you are trying to get, for example, a filename of file where the code is stored;
  3. We added a bunch of visitors that will extended KTlint functionaliity.

Before you make a pull request, make sure the build is clean:

$ mvn clean install

Also see our Contributing Policy and Code of Conduct


Code style and rule set for automatic fixing and checking of Kotlin code



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  • Kotlin 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%