This Gatsby personal portfolio website is completely designed and buld from scratch by AKhil S Kumar. You are free to clone and reuse this website & Don't forget to add credit😅.
- Landing Page
- About Page
- Timeline Section
- Projects Section
- Blog section (Blog contents are written in MDX)
- Contact Section
If you want to work with this project or create a version of it make sure to follow the steps below!
- Make sure to install Node
- Install Gatsby
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Once the installation is complete muke sure you installed the correct version.
gatsby --version
- Create a project folder
$ mkdir Portfolio-Website
$ cd Portfolio-Website
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd
- Open in VS Code
code .
- Run Gatsby site.
gatsby develop
Your site is now running at localhost:8000
- Modyfy the application
You can edit according to you wish. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!
- Fork this project to your GitHub account
- Connect the cloned project folder to your forked GitHub repository.
- Find an issue or feature and work on it.
- Make a pull request.