This repo is for Amy-shopfrontgit, including only frontend files, like html, javascript, css, images etc.
Before you clone this repo, you need to install the latest node.js, currently it is v6.3.1.
After Node.js is installed, execute the commands below to install npm and gulp-cli:
npm install gulp-cli -g
Install ruby and sass, because we use sass as the css preprocessor. Follow to install sass.
Clone the repository, and go to the root folder of this repo, and run the commands below to install packages.
npm install
In cmd, go to the folder of the repo, and type
Then you will see gulp launches a http server, and also launches browser with login page. Gulp also watches your file change and refreshes the browser automatically.
Note: you do NOT have to run gulp build before you run dev mode.
gulp test
It will launch a server, run the tests and watch your file change under /test/spec folder.
If you want to publish release to test environment, you can run the task below. This build will NOT enable google analytics feature. Then files will be built into dist folder.
gulp build:dev
If you want to publish release to production environment, you should run the task below. This build will enable google analytics feature.
gulp build:prod
After build, run
gulp serve:prod
Then manually open the browser and go to http://localhost:9000/
Install protractor and update web-driver
npm install -g protractor
webdriver-manager update
Run product
gulp serve:prod
open a new cmd and run end-to-end test
gulp e2e
gulp i18n
messages.en_us.js will be generated in .tmp. We can give the file to language specialist and translate it to other languages and put the translation back to language.service.js
app/scripts/hack/ is the file which can almost change anything when application starts. Now it has a function configEndpoint where developers can point the endpoint to other servers.
Note that this file will run in dev mode only, Which means it will not be built in production.
If you want to untrack this file in your git, try this command
git update-index --assume-unchanged app/scripts/hack/
If you want to track it again, try
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged app/scripts/hack/