Quickly share your location and let other users track you in real time using a map or through Augmented Reality.
The Web App works with a frontend served seperately from the backend. It lets users register with any valid email or use the service anonymously. Registered users get to track their location for longer periods of time and view their tracking history.
- Backend: Nodejs & Express, Apache Kafka
- Database: MongoDB
- Frontend: React
To contribute, fork this repo to your own, clone, checkout your own feature branch, make your change, commit, push and open a pull request with the latest master branch.
This project (backend in particular) tries to follow the clean code style to write code. It is recommended to follow the existing pattern as closely as possible to help with decoupling and testability.
You can have a look at the basic notes recorded in the documentation folder to get an idea of what this project should entail. You can also look at the TODOs bellow to find and particular feature you may want to contribute to.
New features and fixes can be noted in the github issues for this project.
Features/fixes still to be completed:
- View history page.
- Update user profile/password.
- Map improvements in terms of style/graphics and usability.
- UI/UX updates to make pages more user friendly.