R script for visualization of population genetics constants e.g. Protein dynamics ('hlf_life_II','kdeg','turn_over'), coding ('pLI','RVIS','GERP') and non-coding (Vg','eQTL','ncGERP','ncRVIS') score
graphs.R - This R script and functions will provide the hisograms(upper & lower quantile), QQ-plot, p-value and boxplots
Overallscript.R - Automated overall script for all type of graphs
data_processing.R - function for intial data processing
plot_function.R - function called for individual plots
Python script for data processing
gene_map.py - mapping the genes with t1/2 (half life) as per the ENSEMBL genes
comma_sep1.py - mapping the genes with t1/2 (half life), PubmedID and Kdeg
Perl script for data preprocessing
afc_extract.pl - extract the gene name, aFC, t1/2, and PMID information
comma_sep.pl - mapping the genes name with t1/2 (half life), PubmedID
gene_id_map.pl - mapping the genes with t1/2 (half life) as per the ENSEMBL genes