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Releases: akamai/cli-property-manager

Release 0.7.8

29 Mar 17:13
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes this update:

  • Updated libraries to remove known vulnerabilities, namely CVE-2021-3807

Release 0.7.7

15 Jun 20:16
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes this update:

  • Handles both v0 and v1 PAPI redirects.

Release 0.7.6

16 Apr 15:14
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes this update:

  • Ability to create edgehostnames with ipVersionBehavior set to IPV4

Release 0.7.5

06 Apr 18:45
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes these updates:

The Secure by Default feature for hostnames is integrated to create property hostnames with default certificates by including "certProvisioningType": "DEFAULT" in their hostnames.json file used in pipeline and property-manager commands.

Release 0.7.4

30 Nov 20:35
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes these updates:

  • The property-update command includes these new options:
    --suppress, which stops the JSON output from displaying
    --propver for the property version number that needs the rule tree update.
  • The new-property command now has the --nolocaldir option, which lets you create a new property without creating folders locally.
  • For the hostname-update command you can now use the --patch option to run a PATCH request.

Release 0.7.3

24 Sep 18:46
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This release of the Property Manager CLI includes these updates:

  • The new hostname-update command lets you update the hostnames for specific property versions.
  • You can use the --accountSwitchKey option with all commands.
  • The activate-version command now includes the --wait-for-activate option. This option blocks the command from returning until the activation is complete.
  • Emails are optional for activate and deactivate commands.
  • The .edgerc file now treats “#” characters as comments.
  • Bug fix: The list-property-hostname now correctly saves files in JSON format.

Release 0.7.2

21 Jul 16:19
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Added propery-update command.
Upgraded Papi API version from v0 to v1.

Release 0.7.1

19 Jun 16:43
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Updated property-manager cli and pipeline cli help document.
Added alias --note for --message option in activate, activate-version, deactivate and delete commands of property-manager module and promote command of pipeline module.

Release 0.7.0

08 Jun 16:56
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Property Manager CLI: Minor version release updates

The original Property Manager CLI, cli-property, has been deprecated. The latest CLI, cli-property-manager, includes most features from the original. There are differences in command and option names between the two CLIs. See Upgrade to the Latest Property Manager CLI to review these differences.

New commands
This release introduces these commands:

Command Workflow Description
activate-version Property Manager Activate a specific version of a property.
change-ruleformat Pipeline Change the property rule format used by a pipeline or an environment.
create-cpcode Property Manager Create a new CP code.
delete Property Manager Permanently deletes a property.
list-properties All List properties available based on the current user credentials and setup.
list-property-hostnames All List hostnames assigned to this property.
list-property-rule-format All List the current rule format for the property.
list-property-variables All List the property's variables.
list-rule-formats All Display the list of available rule formats.

New global options
This release introduces these new options:

Option Description
--edgerc <edgerc> The location of the edgerc.config file used for credentials.
--workspace <workspace> The directory containing all property and project files.

v0.6.0: Merge pull request #52 from akamai/release/0.6.0

18 Mar 20:12
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  • Minimum supported npm version updated to 6.13.4 to force deprecation of versions of npm with major security flaws.
  • Pipeline environment promotion now allows out of order promotions by default. --force is no longer needed for promotion when a previous environment has not yet promoted successfully.
  • Pipeline made changes to EnvInfo.json to fix conflicting status issues that hindered jenkins managed & multi-developer projects.
  • Account switching flag support enabled to better support teams with access to multiple Akamai accounts.

Detailed explanation of bug fixes in release contained below:

  • Creating a new pipeline based off of an existing property will properly retain the rule format of the source property.
  • Out of order environment promotion now allowed by default. Previously a user needed to promote each environment in series and If a later environment required a change to a template all earlier stages needed to get redeployed before the pipeline could continue. This requirement and the need to use --force to overrule it has been removed to make it easier for users to make decide if an issue is time critical or a change requires retesting in previous environments. The user now has more control over the deployment order and can skip environments when not needed. (Such as when a environment is still being used to test a different change but should not block a more time critical change from going forward to the next QA environment)
  • #37 - Fixed main source of conflicts in EnvInfo.json files. Removed EnvInfo etag field and no longer require it when making changes that create new property versions. This improves federated (multi-developer) development as well as Jenkins build server managed deployments where EnvInfo tended to get out of sync between developers. This should make it much less likely for a pipeline to get into a broken state.
  • When creating a new pipeline both single stage pipelines as well as pipelines with up to 30 environments are allowed. The number of allowed environments used to be limited to 2-10 but now supports pipelines with 1-30 environments.
  • Updated required npm version to 6.13.4 or higher disallowing earlier versions to force deprecation of versions with known major security flaw.
  • Account switching support added for teams with access to multiple Akamai Accounts.
  • #47 #51 - devopsSettings.json randomly deleted on promote.