This is the backend part of app deployed in heroku
** Want to check admin panal log in using email: [email protected]
password: adminhai
- express
- nodemon
- pg
- cors
- dotenv
- jsonwebtoken
Database used : Heroku postgres
- Registrations
- name
- age
- college
- phone
- rid
- Users
- name
- password
- uid
- isadmin
- Events
- name
- date
- eid
- isactive
Entry point for applications from where we have routed to other files -
Storing all the routes that the frontend may call for. With the routes, I have implement the whole connection with data base here. All the queries made to postgress is here. -
Storing some middle ares which will be used for checking the user if he/she is admin or is signed in
Called for making new registrations from users end to particapate in a certain event -
Called for posting events by a user of userid=userId. Here user must be logged in for doing it -
For making signup request -
For making signin request -
For making signout request -
Put requrest made for making an event active or inactive -
For getting all the events listed -
Get route for getting the list of registered peoples in a certain event