Oracle APEX Get IG Data Dynamic Action Plug-in
This plug-in was built, tested, and exported from APEX 20.1.
Places the data from an Interactive Grid into a page item as a JSON string. That page item can then be submitted for processing as server side code within a Dynamic Action step or as an item to submit for a report region. The select statement used to process the data will be shown in the browser console. The INSUM$ROW column is always added as an indicator of the way the data was sorted at the time it was taken from the IG. An example is shown below.
from json_table (:P1_GRID_DATA , '$[*]'
ID varchar2(4000) path '$.ID',
FIRST_NAME varchar2(4000) path '$.FIRST_NAME',
LAST_NAME varchar2(4000) path '$.LAST_NAME',
INSUM$ROW number path '$.INSUM$ROW'
) a
This may be used within an "Execute PL/SQL Code" Dynamic Action as shown below:
for i in (
from json_table (:P1_GRID_DATA , '$[*]'
ID varchar2(4000) path '$.ID',
FIRST_NAME varchar2(4000) path '$.FIRST_NAME',
LAST_NAME varchar2(4000) path '$.LAST_NAME',
INSUM$ROW number path '$.INSUM$ROW'
) a
) loop
my_procedure(, i.first_name, i.last_name);
end loop;
Import this plug-in into your application.
Create a page with an Interactive Grid. Add a Static ID to the IG region. Create a hidden item with protection turned off. Add the plug-in as Dynamic Action step associated with a button (or other event). After triggering the event, inspect the console to obtain the SQL query associated with the data. As an example of how it works, create an Interactive Report using the query obtained from the console. Be sure to add the hidden item as a Page Item to Submit with the IR. Add a final step to the Dynamic action that refreshes the IR report region.
The plug-in includes extensive help. Please see the help associated with the plug-in after adding it to a page.
If you have an IG on Page Zero (0), it needs to have a globally unique static ID. If it shares a static ID with an IG on another page, this plug-in could get confused. It is possible to fix this, but I'm unlikely to do so, as, really, if you have a static ID on Page 0, it really should be globally unique anyway.