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Rollback to Sonar 5.x #449

Rollback to Sonar 5.x

Rollback to Sonar 5.x #449

GitHub Actions / Test Results failed Dec 13, 2024 in 0s

1 fail, 423 pass in 1m 40s

 93 files  +4   93 suites  +4   1m 40s ⏱️ +5s
424 tests +4  423 ✅ +4  0 💤 ±0   1 ❌ ±0 
433 runs  +5  419 ✅ +4  0 💤 ±0  14 ❌ +1 

Results for commit d9a9872. ± Comparison against earlier commit 636a74b.


Check warning on line 0 in /

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

14 out of 41 runs failed: Duplicate Definition of id Check

htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit16973895753160910_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit1770795568921454352_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit1948936752129447674_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit3704277181752103995_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit51005037619909128_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit5233464717579220571_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit5325457545002157271_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit5433842951451776326_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit5595046163587585026_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit6213806727235318157_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit6781038796061594332_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit8352840475952931679_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit8665867667154040439_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
htmlSanityCheck-gradle-plugin/build/test-results/htmlSanityCheck/TEST-unit-html-_tmp_junit9027560522627757549_src_test_html.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
id "id" has 2 definitions.

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

424 tests found

There are 424 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Broken Internal Links Check
Consistency of ImageMaps
Duplicate Definition of id Check
External Links Check
Missing Local Images Check
Missing Local Resources Check
Missing alt-attribute declaration in image tags
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Collect image files from given directory [files: [a.jpg, b.jpg, c.txt, d.bmp], imageFileCount: 3, #3]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Collect image files from given directory [files: [a.jpg, b.png], imageFileCount: 2, #1]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Collect image files from given directory [files: [a.jpg, b.txt], imageFileCount: 1, #2]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Collect image files from given directory [files: [a.jpg], imageFileCount: 1, #0]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: .bmp, isImage: false, #9]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: .svg, isImage: false, #10]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: /a/b/c.pdf, isImage: false, #8]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: /test.GIF, isImage: true, #7]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: /test.gif, isImage: true, #6]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: TEST.jpeg, isImage: true, #3]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: a.SVG, isImage: true, #11]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: a.html, isImage: false, #12]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: html.PNG, isImage: true, #5]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: test.JPEG, isImage: true, #2]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: test.JPG, isImage: true, #1]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: test.jpg, isImage: true, #0]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ Is Image File [fileName: test.png, isImage: true, #4]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ can get Images From Directory
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ if we configure just a directory all contained image files are taken [dirsAndFiles: [[/a, [a.jpg]]], imageFileCount: 1, #0]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ if we configure just a directory all contained image files are taken [dirsAndFiles: [[/a, [a1.jpg, a2.png]]], imageFileCount: 2, #1]
org.aim42.filesystem.ImageFileCollectorSpec ‑ if we configure just a directory all contained image files are taken [dirsAndFiles: [[/a, [t1.jpg, t2.txt, html.pdf, h2o.doc]], [/a/b, [ab2.jpg, t3.txt]], [/a/b/c, [abc1.png, t4.txt, abc2.PNG, abc3.PNG]], [/a/b/d, [abcd1.jpg, t5.adoc]], [/a/b/c/d/e, [abcde1.jpg, abcde2.jpeg, abcde3.JPG]], [/a/b/c/d/f, [nested.jpg]]], imageFileCount: 10, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.AllChecksRunnerTest ‑ testSingleBrokenHtmlFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.AllChecksRunnerTest ‑ testSingleCorrectHTMLFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.AllChecksRunnerTest ‑ testUsingSubsetOfChecks
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ can overwrite http error codes
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ can overwrite http success codes
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ can overwrite http warning codes
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ cannot overwrite http error codes with null list
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ checks to execute cannot be []
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ configuring a single html file is ok
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ configuring file [] in directory [] is absurd
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ configuring file null in directory null is absurd
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ConfigurationSpec ‑ empty configuration makes no sense
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.MisconfigurationExceptionSpec ‑ can create Misconfiguration exception with just a message
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.MisconfigurationExceptionSpec ‑ can create Misconfiguration exception with message and file
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get Version
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.branch
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.closest.tag.commit.count
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.commit.message.full
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.commit.message.short
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.commit.time
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.dirty
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.remote.origin.url
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property git.tags
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.ProductInformationTest ‑ can get git property
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.RandomStringSpec ‑ randomString returns appropriate length
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testExternalLinkShallBeIgnored
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testLinkToHashtagShallPass
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testLinkToLocalFileShallNotBeChecked
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testLinkWithIllegalCharacter
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testMailtoinkIsIgnored
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testOneGoodOneBrokenLink
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testReferenceCount
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testTwoBrokenLinks
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testTwoGoodLinks
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesCheckerTest ‑ testUrlEncodedFragmentIsUnderstood
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ amazon does not deliver 405 statuscode for links that really exist
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad amazon link is identified as problem
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 400 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 401 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 403 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 404 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 405 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 406 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 408 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 409 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 410 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 429 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 431 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 500 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 501 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 502 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 504 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 505 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 506 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ bad link 507 is recognized as such
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ empty page has no errors
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ one syntactically correct http URL is ok
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ redirects are recognized and their new location is contained in warning message
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ regression for issue 272 [goodUrl:, #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ regression for issue 272 [goodUrl:, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ regression for issue 272 [goodUrl:, #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ single bad link is identified as problem
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenHttpLinksCheckerSpec ‑ urls with localhost leads to errors due to suspicious dependency to environment
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create MissingImageFilesChecker instance
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create MissingLocalResourcesChecker instance
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create brokenCrossRefChecker instance
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create checker with correct supertype [checkerClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.BrokenCrossReferencesChecker, superClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.SuggestingChecker, #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create checker with correct supertype [checkerClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.DuplicateIdChecker, superClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.Checker, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create checker with correct supertype [checkerClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapChecker, superClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.Checker, #4]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create checker with correct supertype [checkerClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingAltInImageTagsChecker, superClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.Checker, #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create checker with correct supertype [checkerClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesChecker, superClazz: class org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.Checker, #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ can create multiple checker instances
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.CheckerCreatorSpec ‑ creating unknown checkers throws exception
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.DuplicateIdCheckerTest ‑ testManyDuplicateId
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.DuplicateIdCheckerTest ‑ testOneDuplicateId
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapsCheckerSpec ‑ find image map issues [nrOfFindings: 1, imageMapStr: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1">, msg: ImageMap "map1" (referenced by image "image1.jpg") missing., #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapsCheckerSpec ‑ find image map issues [nrOfFindings: 1, imageMapStr: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1"><map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#id1" >
<h2 id="foo" >bad header</h2>, msg: ImageMap "map1" refers to missing link "id1"., #4]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapsCheckerSpec ‑ find image map issues [nrOfFindings: 1, imageMapStr: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1"><map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#id1" >
<map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#id1" >
<h2 id="id1">aim42 header</h2>, msg: 2 imagemaps with identical name "map1" exist., #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapsCheckerSpec ‑ find image map issues [nrOfFindings: 1, imageMapStr: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1"><map name="map1">
, msg: ImageMap "map1" has no area tags., #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.ImageMapsCheckerSpec ‑ find image map issues [nrOfFindings: 1, imageMapStr: <map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#id1" >
<h2 id="id1">aim42 header</h2>, msg: ImageMap "map1" not referenced by any image., #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingAltInImageTagsCheckerSpec ‑ missingAltAttributeLeadsToFinding [nrOfFindings: 0, nrOfChecks: 1, imageTags: <img src="t.png" alt="t">, #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingAltInImageTagsCheckerSpec ‑ missingAltAttributeLeadsToFinding [nrOfFindings: 1, nrOfChecks: 1, imageTags: <img src="t.png">, #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingAltInImageTagsCheckerSpec ‑ missingAltAttributeLeadsToFinding [nrOfFindings: 2, nrOfChecks: 2, imageTags: <img src="a.png"> <img src= "b.jpg" >, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testCheckAbsoluteImage
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testCheckImageDirectoryExists
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testCheckImageWithSpace
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testCheckSingleImageWithMissingImage
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testExistingImageIsFound
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingImageFilesCheckerTest ‑ testImageMustNotBeDirectory
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourceRefCountSpec ‑ MLR checker has reference counter [nrOfChecks: 1, nrOfFindings: 1, htmlSnippet: <a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a>, result: local resource "MissingLocalResource.html" missing, #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourceRefCountSpec ‑ MLR checker has reference counter [nrOfChecks: 1, nrOfFindings: 2, htmlSnippet: <a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a><a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a>, result: local resource "MissingLocalResource.html" missing, reference count: 2, #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourceRefCountSpec ‑ MLR checker has reference counter [nrOfChecks: 1, nrOfFindings: 5, htmlSnippet: <a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a><a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a><a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a><a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a><a href="MissingLocalResource.html">missing</a>, result: local resource "MissingLocalResource.html" missing, reference count: 5, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerSpec ‑ empty page has no errors
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerSpec ‑ link to existing local file is identified as correct
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerTest ‑ testCheckAbsoluteResource
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerTest ‑ testExistingComplexLocalReferenceIsFound
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerTest ‑ testExistingLocalResourceIsFound
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerTest ‑ testPureCrossReferenceIsNotChecked
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.check.MissingLocalResourcesCheckerTest ‑ testReferenceToLocalFileIsChecked
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.FindingSpec ‑ can instantiate Finding with triple-quoted GroovyString
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.FindingSpec ‑ finding toString returns item
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.FindingSpec ‑ finding with multiple occurrences returns refcount
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.PerRunResultsTest ‑ testEmptyRunResultHasNoPages
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.PerRunResultsTest ‑ testRunWithSinglePage
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.PerRunResultsTest ‑ testTimerForRun
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SingleCheckResultsTest ‑ testAddFindingToCheckingResult
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SingleCheckResultsTest ‑ testAddManyFindingToCheckingResult
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SingleCheckResultsTest ‑ testCheckTwoImageTagsOneMissingFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SingleCheckResultsTest ‑ testCheckingResultConstruction
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SinglePageResultsTest ‑ testAddFindingToCheckingResult
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.collect.SinglePageResultsTest ‑ testSinglePageResultForOnePage
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckPluginSpec ‑ htmlSanityCheck task has correct type and properties
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckPluginSpec ‑ plugin adds an htmlSanityCheck task to the project
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 7.6.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.0.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.1.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.10.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.11.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.2.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.4
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.5
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.6
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.7
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.8
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can execute htmlSanityCheck task with Gradle version 8.9
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 7.6.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.0.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.1.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.10.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.11.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.2.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.4
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.5
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.6
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.7
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.8
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can select a subset of all checks to be performed with Gradle version 8.9
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 7.6.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.0.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.1.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.10.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.11.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.2.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.4
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.5
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.6
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.7
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.8
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ can specify a subset of files in source directory to be checked with Gradle version 8.9
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 7.6.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.0.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.1.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.10.2
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.11.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.2.1
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.3
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.4
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.5
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.6
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.7
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.8
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskFunctionalSpec ‑ invalid HTML fails build with failOnErrors=true and Gradle version 8.9
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskSpec ‑ should fail on invalid HTML with failOnErrors
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskSpec ‑ should initialize task with defaults
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskSpec ‑ should throw exception if configuration is invalid
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.gradle.HtmlSanityCheckTaskSpec ‑ should work with simple file
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag ' <img alt="1" >
                                <img src="" alt="2">
                                <img src="t.doc" alt="r"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="" >  <img src="b.png" alt> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt=""> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a" >  <img src="b.png" alt="b"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a" > '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a-a aa a" >  <img src="b.png" alt="22"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ can extract alt attributes from imageTag '<img src="a.jpg"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="file://">arc42</a>' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="htpp://">bla</a> ' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="http.html">HTTP info</a> ' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="">arc42</a> and some text
                                <a href=""></a> and some more text
                                <a href="">arc42 over https</a> even more
                                <a href="local-file.jpg">local file</a> again, text
                                <a href="">improve</a>' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="">arc42</a>' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="">http</a>' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<a href="https.html">HTTPS info</a> ' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect correct number of external http links in anchors '<img src="a.jpg"> ' 
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag ' <img alt="1" >
                                <img src="" alt="2">
                                <img src="t.doc" alt="r"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="" >  <img src="b.png" alt> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt=""> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a" >  <img src="b.png" alt="b"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a" > '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg" alt="a-a aa a" >  <img src="b.png" alt="22"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageSpec ‑ detect missing alt attributes in imageTag '<img src="a.jpg"> '
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testAnchorsToStringList
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetAllLocalResourceHrefStrings
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetHtmlImgTagsFromFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetIdStringsAndAllIds
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetLocalAnchorHrefsFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetLocalAndRemoteAnchorsFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetManyIdFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetManyIdStrings
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetOneIdFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetOneImageFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetOneImageFromHtmlFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetTwoImagesFromHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testGetTwoImagesFromHtmlFile
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testManyAnchorTags
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlPageTest ‑ testStaticParseHtml
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlParserTest ‑ testBasicParser
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlParserTest ‑ testGetHrefFromAnchorTag
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlParserTest ‑ testGetSrcAttributeFromImageTag
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.HtmlParserTest ‑ testGetSrcAttributeFromRemoteImageTag
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all areas within map [nrOfAreas: 1, mapName: mymap, htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
</map> , #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all areas within map [nrOfAreas: 2, mapName: mymap, htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
</map> , #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all hrefs within map [nrOfHrefs: 1, mapName: mymap, htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
</map> , hrefs: [#test1], #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all hrefs within map [nrOfHrefs: 2, mapName: mymap, htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
</map> , hrefs: [#test1, #test2], #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all image tags with usemap declaration [nrOfImgs: 0, htmlBody: <img src="image.jpg" alt="test">, #4]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all image tags with usemap declaration [nrOfImgs: 1, htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
</map> , #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all image tags with usemap declaration [nrOfImgs: 1, htmlBody: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">  , #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all image tags with usemap declaration [nrOfImgs: 2, htmlBody: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">
<map name="yourmap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test3" >
, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all image tags with usemap declaration [nrOfImgs: 4, htmlBody: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image2.jpg" usemap="#map2">
<map name="map2">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
<img src="image3.jpg" usemap="#map3">
<map name="map3">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image4.jpg" usemap="#map4">
, #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all map names within page [htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
</map> , names: [mymap], #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all map names within page [htmlBody: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">
<map name="yourmap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test3" >
, names: [yourmap, mymap], #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all map names within page [htmlBody: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image2.jpg" usemap="#map2">
<map name="map2">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
<img src="image3.jpg" usemap="#map3">
<map name="map3">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image4.jpg" usemap="#map4">
, names: [map1, map2, map3], #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all map names within page [htmlBody: map map map , names: [], #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 0, imageMapString: <a href="#test">test</a>, #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 0, imageMapString: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">  , #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 0, imageMapString: <maps><mad></mad></maps>, #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 0, imageMapString: <smap href="no"></smap>, #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 1, imageMapString: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
</map> , #4]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 2, imageMapString: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">
<map name="yourmap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test3" >
, #5]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all maps within page [nrOfIMaps: 3, imageMapString: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image2.jpg" usemap="#map2">
<map name="map2">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
<img src="image3.jpg" usemap="#map3">
<map name="map3">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image4.jpg" usemap="#map4">
, #6]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all usemap references within page [htmlBody: <img src="image.gif" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
</map> , names: [mymap], #0]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all usemap references within page [htmlBody: <img src="image.jpg" usemap="#yourmap">
<map name="yourmap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1" >
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test3" >
, names: [yourmap, mymap], #1]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all usemap references within page [htmlBody: <img src="image1.jpg" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="circle" coords="0,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image2.jpg" usemap="#map2">
<map name="map2">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
<img src="image3.jpg" usemap="#map3">
<map name="map3">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" href="#test1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,1,1" href="#test2">
<img src="image4.jpg" usemap="#map4">
, names: [map1, map2, map3, map4], #4]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all usemap references within page [htmlBody: <img src="x" usemap="#test"> <img src="y"> , names: [test], #2]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.html.ImageMapParserSpec ‑ find all usemap references within page [htmlBody: <img src="x.jpg"> , names: [], #3] ‑ test99Findings200Checks ‑ testCloseReport ‑ testEmptyReporter ‑ testInitReport ‑ testOneFindingOneCheck ‑ testOneFindingSixChecks ‑ testOneFindingTenChecks ‑ testReportOverallSummary ‑ testReportPageFooter ‑ testReportPageSummary ‑ testReportSingleCheckDetails ‑ testReportSingleCheckSummary ‑ testSingleFindingWithoutChecks ‑ testThreeFindingsTenChecks ‑ testZeroChecks ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: /a/b@§!.%&, good: XaXbXXXXXX, #5] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: /dir/file.htm, good: XdirXfileXhtm, #2] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: Hello World\Path!, good: HelloXWorldXPathX, #6] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: a.b, good: aXb, #0] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: file:///a/b/test.txt, good: fileXXXXaXbXtestXtxt, #4] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: file://test.htm, good: fileXXXtestXhtm, #3] ‑ inappropriate strings are converted to appropriate link-aware strings [bad: onefile.html, good: onefileXhtml, #1] ‑ testInitReport ‑ testReportOverallSummary ‑ testReportPageFooter ‑ testReportPageSummary ‑ testReportSingleCheckDetails ‑ testReportSingleCheckSummary ‑ test99Findings200Checks ‑ testEmptyFilepath ‑ testEmptyReporter ‑ testInitReportWithNonWritableDirectory ‑ testOneFindingOneCheck ‑ testOneFindingSixChecks ‑ testOneFindingTenChecks ‑ testSingleFindingWithoutChecks ‑ testThreeFindingsTenChecks ‑ testZeroChecks ‑ testNothingReportedWithEmptyResults ‑ broken internal link is found by Checker and reported ‑ CalculateSimpleSummarySpec ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 0, nrFindings: 0, successRate: 100, #0] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 1, nrFindings: 1, successRate: 0, #1] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 10, nrFindings: 0, successRate: 100, #3] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 10, nrFindings: 1, successRate: 90, #2] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 10, nrFindings: 2, successRate: 80, #4] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 10, nrFindings: 3, successRate: 70, #5] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 1000, nrFindings: 250, successRate: 75, #9] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 200, nrFindings: 99, successRate: 50, #8] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 3, nrFindings: 1, successRate: 67, #6] ‑ CalculateSummarySpec [nrChecks: 3, nrFindings: 2, successRate: 33, #7] ‑ nrOfFindingsSpec [nrChecks: 0, nrFindings: 0, #0] ‑ nrOfFindingsSpec [nrChecks: 0, nrFindings: 1, #1] ‑ nrOfFindingsSpec [nrChecks: 1, nrFindings: 1, #2] ‑ nrOfFindingsSpec [nrChecks: 10, nrFindings: 2, #4] ‑ nrOfFindingsSpec [nrChecks: 2, nrFindings: 1, #3] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 100, smallNumber: 0.1, #0] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 11234560, smallNumber: 11.23, #5] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 1234567, smallNumber: 1.23, #4] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 33000, smallNumber: 33.0, #1] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 33123, smallNumber: 33.12, #2] ‑ rounding to smaller unit [bigNumber: 456789, smallNumber: 456.79, #3]
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.BrokenCrossReferenceCheckerSuggestionTest ‑ testBrokenInternalLinkGoodSuggestion
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.BrokenCrossReferenceCheckerSuggestionTest ‑ testBrokenInternalLinkWithoutSuggestion
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.StringSimilarityServiceImplTest ‑ testFindBestThreeInTooShortList
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.StringSimilarityServiceImplTest ‑ testFindBestTwo
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.StringSimilarityServiceImplTest ‑ testFindBestZero
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.StringSimilarityServiceImplTest ‑ testFindSuggestionInLongList
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.StringSimilarityServiceImplTest ‑ testFindTopInList
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.SuggesterSpec ‑ Determine Multiple Suggestions
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.SuggesterSpec ‑ Determine One Plausible Suggestion
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.SuggesterSpec ‑ Find No Suggestion In Empty Option List
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.SuggesterSpec ‑ Find Suggestion in Long Option List
org.aim42.htmlsanitycheck.suggest.SuggesterSpec ‑ image filename suggester test ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa: 1.2, #7] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa: 1.2.3, #6] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa:, #5] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa: 110, #8] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa: 192.102.100, #4] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: false, ipa: a.b.c.d, #3] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: true, ipa:, #0] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: true, ipa:, #2] ‑ check for valid ip address [isValidIP: true, ipa:, #1] ‑ error codes contain 400 ‑ error codes contain 401 ‑ error codes contain 402 ‑ error codes contain 403 ‑ error codes contain 404 ‑ error codes contain 405 ‑ error codes contain 406 ‑ error codes contain 407 ‑ error codes contain 408 ‑ error codes contain 409 ‑ error codes contain 410 ‑ error codes contain 500 ‑ error codes contain 501 ‑ error codes contain 502 ‑ error codes contain 503 ‑ error codes contain 504 ‑ error codes contain 505 ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: #Context Analysis, #16] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: , #19] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link:, #23] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link:, #21] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link:, #22] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: http://index.html, #17] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: javascript:dummy, #24] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: mailto:[email protected], #18] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: false, link: null, #20] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: ../test.html, #8] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: ./test.html, #7] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: //, #15] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: //index.html, #14] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: TEST.HTM, #2] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: dira/dirb/file.html#anchor, #13] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: dira/dirb/file.html, #12] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: dira/file.html, #11] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: file://test.html#anchor, #10] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: file://test.html, #9] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: jquery.js, #6] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: test.csv, #5] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: test.docx, #3] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: test.htm, #1] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: test.html, #0] ‑ identify local resource links [isLocal: true, link: test.pdf, #4] ‑ internet connection is available ‑ internet connection is not available ‑ invalid URIs throw InvalidUriSyntaxException [invalidUri: ://missing-scheme, #0] ‑ invalid URIs throw InvalidUriSyntaxException [invalidUri: file://invalid|path, #1] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: false, link: #Context--Analysis, #2] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: false, link: #Context-Analysis, #0] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: false, link: #Context_Analysis, #1] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: false, link: /forum/#!forum/randoop-discuss, #3] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: true, link: #Context Analysis, #4] ‑ invalid chars in link [containsInvalidChars: true, link: *Context-Analysis, #5] ‑ success return codes contain 200 ‑ success return codes contain 201 ‑ success return codes contain 202 ‑ warning return codes contain 100 ‑ warning return codes contain 101 ‑ warning return codes contain 102 ‑ testFileURL ‑ testGenericURISyntax ‑ testHTTPUrl ‑ testLinkToFileCheckDoesNotRelyOnDefaultLocale ‑ testLocalResources ‑ testMailtoLink ‑ testPathIsNoCrossReference ‑ testRelativeFilePath ‑ testRemoteURLs ‑ testSimpleStringIsCrossReference