Matlab object serialization functions built with undocumented mex functions
and mxDeserialize
. The function can convert any ordinary matlab
variable into uint8 array. These functions are unsupported and may change at
any time without notice in the future Matlab release.
Use the supplied Makefile
in unix environment, with MATLAB installation path.
$ make MATLABDIR=/usr/local/matlab
Alternatively, just call mex
in the matlab shell.
>> mex serialize.c
>> mex deserialize.c
Use serlialize
to encode arbitrary matlab variable. The function returns
encoded variable as a uint8
>> x = randn(1,4)
x =
0.7147 -0.2050 -0.1241 1.4897
>> y = serialize(x)
y =
Columns 1 through 21
0 1 73 77 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 80 ...
Use deserialize
to retrieve the encoded variable.
>> z = deserialize(y)
z =
0.7147 -0.2050 -0.1241 1.4897
The code may be redistributed under the BSD clause 3 license.