IBM Offer Cloud object Storag, can be used to build a cost effective resilient and secure storage solution, mean while still legacy system depends on SFTP and legacy file protocols for file trasfer.
IBM Cloud Object used to provide SFTP access to object storage but it is deprecated since 10 Decemebr 2018
Using sftp docker ready instance provided by atomz/sftp
As elaborated in the below image IBM Cloud object storage, spawn over 3 zones
The steps in the documentation using user space file system Fuse, to make Cloud Object Storage, accessed as traditional File system
In order to connect IBM kubernetes cluster follow this Documentation
NOTE: the previous steps works mainly standard cluster, as the provided sotrage classes get the Cloud object storage End Point URL based on the Cluster region, which will not work with lite cluster, to make it work with lite cluster or use specific URL a new storageclass need to created, insure updating the URL as per the object storage provisioned region
As below Kubernetes provide SFTP server and IBM Object storage mounted as using fuse as the storage