### The requirements to run Buysell 2.0 are as follows:
- PHP (version 5.4.x to 5.6.x)
- Linux Server (some old distributions are not supported)
- Apache Web Server
- MySQL (version 4.1.2 or higher)
- Jpeg
- mhash
- GD Library 2 or higher
### PHP Configuration Settings:
1. safe_mode = off.
2. register_globals = off
3. open_basedir = (no value)
4. output_buffering = on
5. upload_max_filesize = 200M (or more)
6. post_max_size = 200M (or more)
7. max_execution_time = 0
8. magic_gpc_quotes = 0
9. max_input_time = 6000 (or more)
10. memory_limit = 32M (or more)
11. error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | E_STRICT
12. display_errors = On
13. file_uploads = On
14. session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000 (or more)
15. CURL, GD library and Freetype library modules need to be installed.
Steps to install Buysell:
- Upload the script zip file into the desired location of web server
- Unzip the file in the webserver
- Give permissions (chmod –R 777 folder/) for the following folders & files (
- /app/config/database.php
- /app/storage/cache
- /app/storage/logs
- /app/storage/meta
- /app/storage/sessions
- /app/storage/views
- /app/lang
- /public/css-builds
- /public/files
- /public/js-builds
- /installation_files/install.log
- Type the domain name followed by install.php (e.g. http://yourdomain.com/install.php) in the address bar of the browser and run it.
- Follow the steps to install Buysell
That’s it! Buysell is installed successfully.
**Note: Map your domain to public/ folder to access your site as http://yourdomain.com/, otherwise site will be accessible as http://yourdomain.com/public/ **
Cron setting in command prompt
* * * * * curl --get http://yourdomain.com/cron/mass-mail
0 0 * * * curl --get http://yourdomain.com/cron/fetch-exchange-rates
**Note: Please replace the yourdomain.com to your full URL where the script is installed.**
- Goto Url - https://developers.facebook.com/apps
- Login with your facebook account
- Press "+ Add a New App" button
- In "Add a New App" popup, select "Website"
- Give the name for your app & press "Create New Facebook App ID"
- In "Create a New App ID" popup - select Category & press "Create App ID".
- "Tell us about your website"
- Provide 'Site URL' & 'Mobile Site URL' then press "Next"
- Click "Skip to Developer Dashboard"
- Click "Settings" from left menu
- Set "App Domains" and "Contact Email" then press save changes
- Click "Status & Review" from left menu
- Set "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" as "Yes".
- Click "Dashboard" from left menu
- Get "App ID" & "App Secret".
Note: App ID = App Key
- Goto https://apps.twitter.com/
- Login with your twitter account
- Press "Create New App" button
- Set App details
Name - App name
Description - App description
Website - Site url
Callback URL - Site url
Check - Yes, I agree
Press "Create your Twitter application"
- Goto "Keys and Access Tokens"
Get Consumer Key (API Key) & Consumer Secret (API Secret)