NearBirds (Project is cloned, the original one is at
Discover birds in your region and listen to their chirping.
Live version is available at
- 🐥 Birds list
- 🏳️ List of countries
- ⏳ Page loader
- 🔀 Website navigation bar
- 🎧 Birds song
- 📱 Mobile version of website
- 🔎 Birds list page search
More details about website features here.
These tools were used to ensure software quality and reliability of the web application
- ESLint enforces code style and helps to catch bugs early in development
- Husky installs Git hooks to run static checkers before each commit
- Jest to run unit tests
- Selenium to run UI tests
- GitHub Actions to run CI pipelines on source code updates
- UptimeRobot to monitor application availability
- Watchtower for auto-deployment of the latest docker container image
- DigitalOcean Metrics Agent to monitor resource usage and network load for the application
- npm-audit to check project for vulnerabilities
- Sentry to track frontend-related errors
- LightHouse to test application performance
docker build -t nearbirds .
docker run -p 3000:3000 nearbirds
npm install
npm run start
It runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The source code of this project is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
All rights to the pictures belong to the owners.