Facebook RealTime is a rails wrapper around facebook Real-time Update API.
For an overview of what this is all about, see developers.facebook.com/docs/api.
Controller must inherit FacebookRealTime::SubscriptionsController
facebook_check is a callback URL to which Facebook will get subscription validation.
facebook_update is callback URL to which Facebook will post subscription updates.
open your routes.rb and add
match ‘/endpoint’ => ‘controller_name#facebook_check’, :via => [:get]
match ‘/endpoint’ => ‘controller_name#facebook_update’, :via => [:post]
FB : facebook application id
FB : facebook application secret
FB : A subscriber-provided opaque token that will be echoed back in the verification request to assist the subscriber in identifying which subscription request is being verified. If this is not included, no token will be included in the verification request. This is from the PubSubHubbub spec.
Before using gem you have to deploy a valid check method, to add new subscriptions
Use rake tasks :
rake fb:rt:list to show your subscriptions
rake fb:rt:delete to delete all your subscription
rake fb:rt:subscribe to add or a modify a subscription
facebook object name eg : user, …
list of fields with ‘,’ as separator eg : “likes, info”
url bringing to your check method