I have an exception when I save record with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload inside createOptionForm
Call to undefined method App\Models\MealItems::getMedia()
laravel/framework v10.7.1 filament/filament v2.17.25 filament/spatie-laravel-media-library-plugin v2.17.25
PHP v8.1
In a modal to create new Dish, in create context, no error showed and no media saved. In edit context, errors occurs. See below ...
Media save as expected.
- Clone this repo
composer install
- Rename .env.example to .env file to set your database
- Run
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan storage:link
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
- Go to admin panel at
and log in with credentials : [email protected] // password .
In Dishes item, you can create and edit a dish.
Pay your attention to SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload component.
With implements of HasMedia
in Dish Model, image saves in public folder and in media table as expected.
Now go to Meals item, create a new Meal.
Fill required fields, also an image. Then in repeater field, fill fields and choose a dish in select component. Save works normally. Image recorded in media table and in public folder. Meal model has also implements HasMedia
- Issue 1
Create a new Meal, but now create a new Dish by clicking on + button near select component Dish id.
A modal opens with form to create a Dish. Fill fields ans choose an image. After clicking on Create button, this new Dish is selected in select component, but now, no record in media table and so no in public folder.
- Issue 2
Now, edit a Meal.
Form is filled as expected. Go to repeater field and click on + button near select component Dish id , modal opens and fill fields. Don't forget to upload image in SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload component.
When you hit Create button, error Call to undefined method App\Models\MealItems::getMedia()
The media must be attached to the Dish model and not to the MealItems model. Table meal_items (and so MealItems model) is used to save hasMany relation of Meal model.
If you want more details please ask me.
Thank you