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flyingzumwalt edited this page Jun 12, 2013 · 23 revisions

This tutorial is known to work with hydra-head version 6.0.0.
Please update this wiki to reflect any other versions that have been tested.


This tutorial assumes that you have some basic familiarity with Ruby and Rails. If you are new to Rails, we recommend going through the RailsBridge Tutorial first.

A fun way to learn about the basic Rails syntax and patterns is the Rails for Zombies tutorial.

The tutorial also mentions using Ruby Version Manager, a.k.a RVM. Before starting this tutorial, visit the RVM website to learn about how that tool is used. RVM is not required in order to do the tutorial, but you will probably find it useful.

System Requirements

Your system should have the following installed before beginning the walkthrough

  • Ruby 1.9.3 or 2.0.0
  • Rails ~>3.2.13
  • Java runtime >= 6.0


  • Create a Hydra Head
  • Run Fedora and Solr underneath the Hydra Head
  • Start & Stop the Application
  • Start & Stop Fedora and Solr
  • Define Models for Content to put into your Hydra Head (in this case Books and Pages)
  • Use your Models to Create objects in Fedora and Solr
  • See where content is persisted in Fedora and indexed in Solr
  • Modify how metadata is indexed in Solr
  • Use Git to Track Code Changes


  1. Lesson: Generate a Rails Application
  2. Lesson: Create a git Repository
  3. Lesson: Add the Hydra Dependencies
  4. Lesson: Run the Blacklight generator
  5. Lesson: Run the Hydra-Head generator
  6. Lesson: Install hydra-jetty
  7. Lesson: Start Jetty
  8. Lesson: Start the Application & Search for Results
  9. Lesson: Build a Book Model
  10. Lesson: Turn Off Access Controls
  11. Lesson: Make Blacklight Return Search Results
  12. Lesson: Define Relationships Between Objects
  13. Lesson: Adding Content Datastreams
  14. Lesson: Generate Rails Scaffolding for Creating and Editing Books


  1. Lesson: Set up your Rails Application to use RSpec

Next Steps

Say hello on the hydra-tech mailing list and let us know what you're using Hydra for.
Check out the Hydra Project Website at

Other Tutorials:

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