Cordova AppsFlyer plugin version 4.4.0 and higher are meant to be used with [email protected]
For lower versions of cordova-android please use plugin version 4.3.3 available @ https://github.com/AppsFlyerSDK/cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk/tree/4.3.3
🛠 In order for us to provide optimal support, we would kindly ask you to submit any issues to [email protected]
When submitting an issue please specify your AppsFlyer sign-up (account) email , your app ID , production steps, logs, code snippets and any additional relevant information.
- iOS AppsFlyerSDK v4.8.10
- Android AppsFlyerSDK v4.8.18
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk
To install cordova manually check out the doc here.
Great installation and setup guides can be viewed here.
Set your App_ID (iOS only), Dev_Key and enable AppsFlyer to detect installations, sessions (app opens) and updates.
This is the minimum requirement to start tracking your app installs and is already implemented in this plugin. You MUST modify this call and provide:
devKey - Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer.
appId - For iOS only. Your iTunes Application ID.
Add the following lines to your code to be able to initialize tracking with your own AppsFlyer dev key:
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
var options = {
devKey: '**********spwL', // your AppsFlyer devKey
isDebug: false,
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (/iphone|ipad|ipod/.test( userAgent )) {
options.appId = '123456789'; // your ios app id in app store
var onSuccess = function(result) {
function onError(err) {
window.plugins.appsFlyer.initSdk(options, onSuccess, onError);
}, false);
See the full API available for this plugin.
Check out the demo for this project here.