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A set of compose files to quickly bootstrap CI/CD pipelines, chain log and monitoring on a Docker Swarm cluster

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A set of compose files to quickly bootstrap CI/CD pipelines, chain log and monitoring tools on a Docker Swarm cluster.

Start CI pipeline

docker swarm init
# We'll get rid of next line when compose file will support --attachable flag
docker network create --attachable -d overlay ci_ci-network
docker network create -d overlay monitoring_monitoring-network

Start the services:

export DOMAIN=localhost       # (or
docker stack up -c ci.yml ci
docker stack up -c monitoring.yml monitoring
docker stack up -c front.yml front
# or just 

Then visit localhost:8000 to get gogs/drone url.

Grafana dashboards

Cluster bootstrap

In the cluster-bootstrap are a packer template for an ubuntu 16.04 with docker 17.03.0~ce, Ceph jewel and rexray volume driver installed.

The following commands are notes to bootstrap a Vagrant cluster from this packer template, set-up a 3-nodes Swarm cluster with cluster-aware volume mounting thanks to Ceph and RexRay driver. This way we have full HA at every level.

Those notes should probably be part of an ansible playbook.

Building VM image and starting the nodes

packer build cluster-bootstrap/packer/ubuntu-16.04-amd64.json
vagrant box add ael/cicd-os cluster-bootstrap/packer/
cd cluster-bootstrap
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
vagrant up

Ceph cluster setup

You need to have ceph-deploy installed on your local machine. We're using loop files here to provide block devices. This is obvisously an easy way to test and not a production setup. EBS for Amazon or anything similar on other cloud providers should be used instead.

vagrant ssh-config node1 node2 node3 >> ~/.ssh/config
ceph-deploy new node1 node2 node3
echo public_network = >> ceph.conf
ceph-deploy mon create node1 node2 node3
sleep 10
ceph-deploy gatherkeys node1
ssh node1 sudo sh -c "\"dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/osd bs=1M count=10000 && losetup /dev/loop0 /var/lib/osd\""
ceph-deploy osd create node1:/dev/loop0 node2:/dev/loop0 node3:/dev/loop0

RexRay setup

At the moment (3/17/2017) RexRay is broken when used with Ceph's Jewel and Kraken version. A PR which fix that is available but you need to build rexray with the patch included (thecodeteam/libstorage#454)

To do on all 3 nodes:

cat > /etc/rexray.yml <<EOF
  logLevel: warn
  service: rbd

rexray service start

Docker Swarm setup

vagrant@node1:~$ sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr

vagrant@node2:~$ sudo docker swarm join --token YOUR_TOKEN
vagrant@node3:~$ sudo docker swarm join --token YOUR_TOKEN

Ready to play

We'll test if we can write data to a volume on container started on one node, start the container on another node and check if data are still there.

Let's start by creating a service with a rexray volume :

vagrant@node1:~$ sudo docker service create --mount source=mydata,target=/data,volume-driver=rexray \

Check where it's deployed

vagrant@node1:~$ sudo docker service ps 1kj26xhj2y45g4cwifmh1ohik
ID            NAME                  IMAGE                           NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR  PORTS
mzl6qf41v8zx  xenodochial_edison.1  johntech2006/randomcity:latest  node2  Running        Running 39 seconds ago

Enter the container on the node2 and write some data

vagrant@node2:~$ sudo docker ps -q
vagrant@node2:~$ sudo docker exec -it 07605b5c13d6 sh -c "touch /data/imstillthere"

Stop docker daemon on node2, swarm will automatically restart the container elsewhere

vagrant@node2:~$ sudo service docker stop
vagrant@node1:~$ sudo docker service ps 1kj26xhj2y45g4cwifmh1ohik
ID            NAME                      IMAGE                           NODE   DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR  PORTS
xzp9iscbzqkh  xenodochial_edison.1      johntech2006/randomcity:latest  node3  Running        Running 1 second ago
mzl6qf41v8zx   \_ xenodochial_edison.1  johntech2006/randomcity:latest  node2  Shutdown       Running 19 seconds ago

Check that data are still there on node3

vagrant@node3:~$ sudo docker exec -it e4b6ddd8af2e sh -c "ls /data"


A set of compose files to quickly bootstrap CI/CD pipelines, chain log and monitoring on a Docker Swarm cluster






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