I created a single page VueJS application that fetches public images from flickr and display them in a grid. Upon clicking a displayed image, a dialog containing more info about the image opens.
- The images data are fetched from the flickr photos_public endpoint: https://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/docs/photos_public. Since www.flickr.com doesn't support CORS headers, XMLHttpRequests from the browser are blocked. In lieu of that, the images data are fetch using JSONP. Read more: JakeChampion/fetch#280
- Since the data returned by the API doesn't contain id information for image, a custom id of the form
is assigned to each image. Read more: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.urls.html - Images data pertaining to a particular tag can be fetched. In order to make sure no duplicate fetch requests are made, already fetched images data is cached in the vuex store.
- Images data is normalized before being stored. Read more: https://redux.js.org/usage/structuring-reducers/normalizing-state-shape
- When toggling between the tags frequently, active fetch requests from previous tags can cause stale data to be displayed. Therefore, active fetch requests are cancelled before fetching images data for a new tag. Although I haven't used debouncing, it can be helpful too.
- Images are lazily loaded.
- Component library: vuetify
- Centralized store: vuex
- Routing: vue-router
- Code formatter: prettier
- Linting: eslint
- Preprocessor: sassCSS
- node: tested for v12.18.1
- npm: tested for 6.14.5
- prettier: tested for 2.3.2
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn build