Presentations, Demo's, drivers and code from my Rubyconf 2015 talk.
Come learn all the wonderful uses of UHF RFID tags and how Ruby makes it easy to read, write and deploy real time asset tracking systems. RFID tags can be read from 30 or more feet away and easily integrated with a variety of existing systems with a low barrier to entry. By the end of this session, you'll learn how to track your pets, clothes, keys, and even make a tool that assists with your grocery shopping.
Speakerdeck available at
Simple POC that tweets when the dog is in or out
Demo app that plays music upon detection of RFID tags
Log and create a list of what is in your fridge / pantry. As items are thrown away they are added to a mobile shopping cart
Unused app for experimenting
The site for the RFID scavanger hunt after my talk at Rubyconf 2015
lets you tweet from inside keynote by wrapping text in [twitter][/twitter]
There are several other misc play files here and copies of my presentation.