I'm a robotics researcher and engineer, so here's a selected few of my projects that may be of general interest:
Repository | Description |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/BioloidMatlab | Matlab wrapper files for Robotis AX-12 access by USB |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/ros_melodic_slackware | ROS Melodic packages for Slackware 14.2 |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/sarah | Robotic hand example around Hillberry rolling joints |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/optitrack_random | Random notes on running OptiTrack |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/parallelwrist | Interesting parallel manipulator-like platform, contact of two rolling spheres |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/iva | Lie group and algebra kinematics in symbolic math for Matlab, custom kinematic tree-like structures |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/AS5048A-Arduino | fork: Reading AS5048A values and outputting them by serial |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/AS5048a_matlab | tiny script to show the above-mentioned values |
https://github.com/adamlukomski/yui | ESP8266 tiny mobile robot |