- 👋 Hi, I’m John F. Adamek CSCS Ph.D.
- Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Kinesiology - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- M.S. and B.S. in Sports Science - United States Sports Academy
- 😎 Rstudio enthusiast! Love all things R
- 👀 I enjoying imploying various statistical methods and ML algorithms to examine novel research questions on data relating to sports/exercise performance with interest for including behavior/cognitive function outcomes.
- 🌱 I’m currently seeking a job working as a data/research scientist.
- 💞️ Always looking to collaborate on projects!
- 📫 How to reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnadamek/
- 💻 Personal Website: https://adamek2120.github.io/
- Data Analytic Tools: Python | R & key packages (RMarkdown, Tidyverse (dplyr, ggplot2), Lubridate) | SPSS | Mplus | SQL | Matlab | Qualtrics | Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
- Technical: Experimental Design | Hypothesis Testing | Machine Learning | Quantitative Methods | Exploratory Data Analysis | Data Management | Literature Reviews | Statistical Analysis | Summary Reports
- General: Problem Solving | Leadership | Mentorship | Community Outreach | Interpersonal Skills | Active Listening
- Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Kinesiology - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Exercise Psychophysiology Lab. Research focused on the interaction of psychological and physiological proceses in the context of physical activity and health behaviors. Dissertation: The influence of time-variant psychological factors on the acute exercise-cognition interaction.
- MS & BS at United States Sports Academy Thesis: The association cognitive and motor interference during dual-task performance
Prior Experience (non-academia):
- Health and Exercise Science Consultant
- Led educational seminars on topics such as: kinesiology, biomechanics, cognitive neuroscience, and motor learning.
- Director of Health and Fitness
- Director of Strength and Conditioning and Head Sport Scientist - 10+ years working with professional athletes and organizations
- Communicated insights annually at industry specific conferences (i.e., Tennis Congress) and held 5+ interviews at news outlets (i.e., NewYorker, NYtennis).
- Sport science consultant for various high-level clientele and athletes such as: - Novak Djokovic - Marko Djokovic - Milos Raonic - Bode Miller - Christina Mchale - Bernarda Pera - Matija Pecotic - Ray Sarmiento - Troy Tulowitzki - Alister Walker - Olga Puchkova - NY Rangers - Hockey Talent Management - Junior Hockey Sport Science Combine - To name a few....