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Virt-A-Mate Keybindings

Requires Virt-A-Mate or more recent!

  • Create custom keybindings for more than 200 Virt-A-Mate commands
  • Invoke custom triggers in your scenes
  • Fuzzy find commands using autocomplete
  • Use vim-like key sequences or vscode-like shortcuts
  • Access additional built-in features like selection history and quick atoms creation
  • Use your keyboard or gamepad with joystick support
  • Integrates with Timeline and other plugins

How to use Keybindings

Keybindings.cslist is the main plugin, and should be installed as a session plugin. This is what controls the keyboard shortcuts and provides the "shared commands", e.g. adding atoms and opening panels.

  1. Add Keybindings.cslist in your Session Plugins. You can automatically load it by going to Session Plugin Presets and selecting "Change User Defaults".
  2. Open the Keybindings custom UI. By default, nothing will be bound. You can import some, or create your own. You should at least bind the FindCommand command. For example, let's bind it to F12. Note that the box will be red for one second. You can type multiple keys if you want to use a multi-key binding, and you can use Ctrl, Shift and Alt if you want.
  3. Now press F12 (or the shortcut you have chosen). On the bottom left you should see a text field. Try typing add, and you'll see a command appear. Continue typing to filter out commands, Tab to cycle through the commands, or Shift + Tab to cycle back. Press Enter to execute the command, or Esc to cancel. This uses fuzzy searching, so you can type "oppclo" to find "Open_PersonAtom_ClothingTab" quickly.
  4. You can quickly open the keybindings at any time by finding the command KeybindingsSettings.

Bindings with an asterisk (*) can be bound to joysticks and mouse. You can use modifier keys too, for example you can use Alt + Mouse X by holding the Alt key and moving the mouse to the left or to the right.

How to use custom triggers

CustomCommands.cslist can be used to create commands in your scene that you can bind. For example, you could bind F5 to "Play_Animation", and if your scene contains an atom with this command, it will be executed. If more than one atom has this command, the current or the last atom containing this command will be executed.

  1. Add CustomCommands.cslist to an atom in your scene.
  2. Open the CustomCommands custom UI. The list of commands will be empty.
  3. Press Add a custom command. This will create an unnamed trigger. You must name your commands for them to be invokable by Keybindings.
  4. Press Edit on the command you have just created. It will open the Virt-A-Mate Trigger interface.
  5. Enter a name. This is the name that will be used to invoke your command. Let's call it Log_HelloWorld
  6. Choose a trigger. By default, the current atom will be automatically selected. You can also look at the plugin#0_CustomCommands storable receiver for additional functionality such as logging messages, quick-selecting this atom and reloading plugins.
  7. You can use the Find Commands feature (F12 if you followed the previous tutorial) to invoke your new command. Type hello and you should see your command. You can also bind it now in the Keybindings custom UI.


This plugin is still being actively developed! Here are some gotchas:

  • Draw UI On Top must be enabled for the fuzzy find UI to work.

Integrating your plugins

You can publish your own commands to be used by Keybindings. It will use the vam-plugins-interop-specs specifications.

In short, you simply need to call OnActionsProviderAvailable when your plugin is ready to receive shortcuts, and implement OnBindingsListRequested to add the JSONStorableAction you want to make available.

public class YourPlugin : MVRScript
    public void Init()
        // Call this when ready to receive shortcuts or when shortcuts have changed
        SuperController.singleton.BroadcastMessage("OnActionsProviderAvailable", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

    public void OnDestroy()
        // Call this when this plugin should not receive shortcuts anymore
        SuperController.singleton.BroadcastMessage("OnActionsProviderDestroyed", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

    // This method will be called by Keybindings when it is ready.
    public void OnBindingsListRequested(List<object> bindings)
        bindings.Add(new JSONStorableAction("SayHi", () => SuperController.LogMessage("Hi!")));

You can also optionally provide additional settings to Keybindings by returning an IEnumerable<string, string> in the OnBindingListRequested method:

    public void OnBindingsListRequested(List<object> bindings)
        bindings.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>
            // This will determine the "prefix" for your commands, e.g. MySuperPlugin.SayHi
            { "Namespace", "MySuperPlugin" }
        bindings.Add(new JSONStorableAction("SayHi", () => SuperController.LogMessage("Hi!")));

Supported storables:

  • JSONStorableAction will be invoked on key down
  • JSONStorableBool will be set to true on key down, and false on key up
  • JSONStorableFloat will receive values between -1 and 1 for joysticks, or the mouse position delta. You should check for their current value in Update().

It is possible to invoke a Keybindings. Please only use this for commands initiated by the user with the intent of invoking those bindings. For example, do NOT use this in a scene.

SuperController.singleton.BroadcastMessage("InvokeKeybindingsAction", "Namespace.CommandName", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);


  • LFE who made the original Keyboard Shortcuts plugin and provided his insight
  • Hazmox who made overlays work in his VAMOverlays plugin
  • MacGruber who's always a great source of inspiration and a pioneer
  • All of my patrons and vammers who give meaning to what I do!",




A VIM-like keybindings plugin for Virt-A-Mate







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