Is an extension to the Drupal 8 CKEditormodule.
- ckeditor
- Ability to insert a link as a Bootstrap 3 button widget.
- Movable between content without breaking layout.
- All Bootstrap's styles available
- btn-link
- btn-default
- btn-primary
- btn-success
- btn-warning
- btn-danger
- All Bootstrap's sizes available
- btn-xs
- btn-sm
- btn-lg
- Link target option.
- Ability to add a left and/or right icon (Bootstrap Glyphicon, or FontAwesome).
- Copy the ckeditor_bootstrap_buttons folder to your modules directory.
- Download the plugin from GitHub.
- Place the plugin in the root libraries folder (/libraries).
- Go to admin/modules and enable the module.
- Go to admin/config/content/formats and configure the desired profile.
- Move a button into the Active toolbar.
- Clear your browser's cache, and a new button will appear in your toolbar.
Please contribute to this plugin by forking this GitHub repo.
abu-zakham [email protected]