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Objective: Develope a Fraud Detection model using a synthetic dataset generated by the PaySim mobile money simulator



A. Exploratory Data Analysis: 01. Data Exploration.ipynb

  1: Frauds are evenly distributed across weeks (Given that each Step as a hour, there is data of 31 days split into 4 sections of 186 hours. Each section is termed as a week)
  2: No missing value in the data
  3: Not many customers repeating transactions in two consequetive weeks. Me vs Me features will be sparse
  4: Negligible fraud among repeat transacting customers
  5: Only CASH_OUT and TRANSFER type of transactions are flagged Fraud
  6: isFlaggedFraud is only 1 when isFraud is 1
  7: All transactions above the minimum amount when isFlaggedFraud==1 is not Fraud
  8: isFlaggedFraud definition is not consistent with the definition provided in the variable description
  9: For all isFlaggedFraud==1, oldBalanceDest=newBalanceDest=0 and transaction type is only TRANSFER. No consistent patterm in other variables when isFlaggedFraud==1
  10: There are other TRANSFERS where isFlaggedFraud==0 and oldBalanceDest=newBalanceDest=0
  11: No particular threshold for amt_bal_ratio (Amount/Old Balance Orig) when isFlaggedFraud==1. Range overlaps when isFlaggedFraud==0
  12: Merchants are only in Destination Name
  13: Only PAYMENT is done towards Merchants and subsequently no Fraud
  14: Only Customer in Transaction Origin and Customer and Merchant in Transaction Destination. All Frauds is happening in Transactions between Customers
  15: New Balance Orig is not equal to zero when Amount > Old Balance Origin due to CASH IN
  16: New Balance Orig is not equal to zero and Amount > Old Balance Origin and type==CASH OUT data does not tally with Balance movements. There is not corresponding CASH IN or Name in Destination for the corresponding Names
  17: For CASH IN Transactions majority cases NEW Balance Origin - OLD Balance Origin == Amount. For the cases its doesnt hold true, NEW Balance Origin == OLD Balance Origin
  18: New Balance Origination==0 is not a distinguisher between Fraud and Non Fraud transactions
  19: All transactions with Amount==0 are Fraud
  20: Distinct difference in pattern of ZERO Origination and Destination Balance for Fraud and Non Fraud Transactions
  21: Old Balance Orig tend to be higher for Fraud than Non Fraud transactions. Customer with higher balances are usually targeted for Fraud
  22: Only in one case, C1714931087 [step 65 and 546] is doing a CASH_OUT which is not tagged as Fraud after receiving a Fraud TRANSFER
  Actions based on the above findings:
  1: Take first Week 2 and 3 as Train and Week 4 as OOT Validation sample [Findings: 1]
  2: No missing value imputation required [Findings: 2]
  3: Features created from single transactions and me vs others.[Findings: 3,4]
  4: Model data on only CASH_OUT and TRANSFER transactions/Create variable with extra weightage to CASH_OUT and TRANSFER transaction types [Findings: 5]
  5: isFlaggedFraud feature can be dropped [6 - 11]
  6: Create a flag for Payments to Merchants if modelling data on all transaction types[12 - 14]
  7: Assign a standard value for Amount/oldBalanceOrig for CASH IN type transactions while developing model on all types of transaction [15-17]
  8: Assign Flag for Amount==0 [19]
  9: Create categories of Old Balance Orig for CASH_OUT & TRANSFER type transactions [21]

B. Feature Engineering for CASH_OUT & TRANSFER type transactions

1: 02.A. Data Exploration and Feature Engineering - Cash Out & Transfer.ipynb

  Feature: $ amount of tranaction and number of transaction done by a customer in last 186 hours
  Since the data had lot ~2.8 million rows it was taking sufficient amount of time to create the feature, so it was not added in model development

2: 02.B. Data Exploration and Feature Engineering - Cash Out & Transfer.ipynb

  $TransLW : $ amount of transaction done in last week, i.e if a customer is transacting in week 2 it will capture the $ amount of transaction done in week 1
  NumTransLW: Number of transaction done in last week, i.e if a customer is transacting in week 2 it will capture the number of transaction done in week 1
  FraudBefore: Flag 1 if the Destination Name was in a Fraud transaction before
  oldBalanceOrigCat: Divide Old Balance Orig in 3 bands
  amount_median: Median $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat
  amount_std: SD $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat
  amt_max: Max $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat
  amount_deviance_1: (amount - amount_median)/amount_std
  amount_deviance_2: amount - amount_median
  amount_deviance_3: amt_max - amount
  amount_deviance_4: (amt_max - amount)/amt_max
  amt_bal_perc: amount/oldBalanceOrig
  time_of_day: Dividing every 24 steps into 3 categories
  amount_tod_median: Median $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat and time_of_day
  amount_tod_std: SD $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat and time_of_day
  amount_tod_max: Max $ amount of a particular oldBalanceOrigCat and time_of_day
  amount_deviance_5: (amount - amount_tod_median)/amount_tod_std
  amount_deviance_6: amount - amount_tod_median
  amount_deviance_7: amount_tod_max - amount
  amount_deviance_8: (amount_tod_max - amount)/amount_tod_max
  diffBalanceOrig: newBalanceOrig + amount - oldBalanceOrig
  diffBalanceDest: oldBalanceDest + amount - newBalanceDest

C. Model Development

  1. 03.A.1 Model Development - Fraud During Transaction.ipynb
Model developed considering detecting fraudulent transaction during occurance of transaction.
Removing following features during model development:
1. nameOrig
2. newBalanceOrig
3. nameDest
4. newBalanceDest
5. isFlaggedFraud
6. diffBalanceOrig
7. diffBalanceDest

Dependent Varaible: isFraud
Model Development Period: Week 2 and 3 [Obs: 1697805 Fraud:4043]
Out of Time Validation set: Week 4 [Obs: 4043 Fraud:2048]
Classification Model: XGBoost

Split Model Development Period into Traina nd Test 
5 Fold Cross Validation on Train data to find optimum n_estimator where Test AUPR curve is maximum
Optimum n_estimator=1296 (cross validation on 1300 estimators, scope to check by increasing n_estimator max limit)
Since cross validation took sisgnificant amount of time and other hyperparameter tuning provides marginal gain, develop model keeping other hypermparameters constant
learning_rate =0.05,
objective= 'binary:logistic',

AUPRC Train= 0.9992531495369624
AUPRC Test= 0.9832524009221997
AUPRC OOT= 0.990502966074935
Threshold Score: 0.99983096 [Minimum score where Precision is maximum, in this case max Precision is 1]
Depending on the objective of the model, to minimize False Poistive (maximise Precision) or minimize False Negative (maximise TPR) we can choose the threshlod score

Confusion Matrix at Threshold Score and model KPIs:

              0         1
        0  [1185633       0]
        1  [    578    2252]

Accuracy: 99.95

Sensitivity/Recall/TPR: 79.58

Precision: 100.0

              0         1
        0  [508129      0]
        1  [   266    947]

Accuracy: 99.95

Sensitivity/Recall/TPR: 78.07

Precision: 100.0

            0         1
        0  [79582     0]
        1  [  527  1521]

Accuracy: 99.35

Sensitivity/Recall/TPR: 74.27

Precision: 100.0

Model File: xgb_model_1.1
  1. 03.A.2 Model Development - Fraud During Transaction.ipynb

    Increase the max threshold of n_estimatord for CV for better Test AUCPR. Optimum n_estimator=1986. No other change from previous model.

  2. 03.B Model Development - Fraud After Transaction.ipynb

    Included features diffBalanceOrig and diffBalanceDest in model development


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