Tower Defence Game
Student name: Abdulaziz Ali M A Alobaidli
Git repository URL:
Gameplay video URL:
Game information
Game concept chosen: GAME CONCEPT #6 PROJECT PATHWAY #3 PP-3-2 (Tower defence)
Game title: Tower Defender
Game concept changes (if any; not limited to 2!): • Monsters move down the path and wizards fly directly to the main tower; protective towers are the only way to defend the main tower
Implemented features: (include all; not limited to 2!) • Environment. Mark expected given marking scheme (out of 20%): o 5 levels with different paths and different screens. o Incrementally we get new defence towers as we go up the level. o Decorative items that do not affect the game are also included.
• Gameplay. Mark expected given marking scheme (out of 40%): o Different defensive towers having different features have been included, like normal damage, splash damage, extra damage, and slowing down the troops. o Player can add new defence by spending points, and get points by destroying the monsters. o Player can upgrade the defence as well by clicking on the defensive tower, two options are provided, one is to increase the power and other is the increase the range, the range can be seen with a dotted circle. o If player fails to destroy the monsters, they attack the main tower, and after taking certain damage the main tower is destroyed and player loses. o Different monsters have different speed, hit points and give different skill points when destroyed. o Wizard can fly directly to the main tower without following the path on ground, which other monsters have to follow.
• Non-playable. Mark expected given marking scheme (out of 15%): o Players get information about different towers and their price, also how much points remaining in hand to spend, and when user runs out of points then it is displayed on the screen o User get a main menu to start a game and also select level option to jump to any level directly. • Aesthetics. Mark expected given marking scheme (out of 15%): o Background music has been implemented and different music for different actions have been implemented as well o Particle effect has been implemented for selection and damage and destruction. o Animation has been implemented for the movement of the monsters.
References: Tower Asset: Wizard Asset: Monsters Asset: Decorative item Asset: Audio Asset: