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Supabase client for swift. Mirrors the design of supabase-js.



Swift Package Manager:

Add the following lines to your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "Supabase", url: "", branch: "master"), // Add the package
    targets: [
            name: "YourTargetName",
            dependencies: ["Supabase"] // Add as a dependency

If you're using Xcode, use this guide to add supabase-swift to your project. Use for the url when Xcode asks.


To make requests to the Supabase database, you will need to initialize a SupabaseClient object:

let client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: "{ Supabase URL }", supabaseKey: "{ Supabase anonymous Key }")

Login Implementation

Inside the SupabaseClient instance created before, you can find an auth property of type GoTrueClient. You can use it to perform sign in and sign up requests.

  • Here's how to sign up with an email and password and get the signed in user Session info:
Task {
  do {
      try await client.auth.signUp(email: email, password: password)
      let session = try await client.auth.session
      print("### Session Info: \(session)")
  } catch {
      print("### Sign Up Error: \(error)")

If you wish to add metadata for the user, you can pass it as part of the data parameter, just be sure to import GoTrue first to use the User metadata values.

Task {
  do {
      try await client.auth.signUp(
        email: email,
        password: password,
        data: [
          "name": .string("John Doe"),
          "age": .number(25),
          "some_boolean_parameter": .bool(true)

      let session = try await client.auth.session
      print("### Session Info: \(session)")
  } catch {
      print("### Sign Up Error: \(error)")
  • For existing users, here's how to log in with an email and password and get the logged in user Session info:
Task {
  do {
      try await client.auth.signIn(email: email, password: password)
      let session = try await client.auth.session
      print("### Session Info: \(session)")
  } catch {
      print("### Sign Up Error: \(error)")

Social Login Implementation

Setup Callback URL

We need to first set up the callback URL for all Social Logins inside the app.

  • Setup the callback URL on Info.plist:
  • Add this callback URL on Supabase under Authentication -> URL Configuration -> Redirect URLs.

Google Sign In

  • Setup Google Auth as per Supabase's Documentation.
  • Note: For iOS we still need to use Google Consent Form for Web.
  • Import SafariServices in your ViewController and create a SFSafariViewController instance:
import SafariServices

var safariVC: SFSafariViewController?
  • Get the URL for Google Sign in from Supabase and load it on SFSafariViewController.
  • Pass the previous callback URL you set up in the redirecTo parameter:
Task {
    do {
        let url = try await client.auth.getOAuthSignInURL(provider:, redirectTo: URL(string: {Your Callback URL})!)
        safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: url as URL)
        self.present(safariVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)
    } catch {
        print("### Google Sign in Error: \(error)")
  • Handle the callback URL on SceneDelegate (for older projects, you can use AppDelegate if SceneDelegate is not present).
  • Post a NotificationCenter call to let the ViewController know the callback has been fired and pass the URL received. This URL will be used to get the user session.
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
    if let url = URLContexts.first?.url as? URL {
        if == "login-callback" {
            let urlDict: [String: URL] = ["url": url]
   Notification.Name("OAuthCallBack"), object: nil, userInfo: urlDict)
  • In your ViewController, observe for the Notification and handle it minimizing the SFSafariViewController and getting the session:
            selector: #selector(self.oAuthCallback(_:)),
            name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "OAuthCallBack"),
            object: nil)

@objc func oAuthCallback(_ notification: NSNotification){
    guard let url = notification.userInfo?["url"] as? URL  else { return }
    Task {
        do {
            let session = try await SupaBaseAuth().client.session(from: url)
            print("### Session Info: \(session)")
        } catch {
            print("### oAuthCallback error: \(error)")
    safariVC?.dismiss(animated: true)

Apple Sign In

  • Setup Apple Auth as per Supabase's Documentation.
  • For Sign in with Apple follow the above as per Google Sign In and just replace the provider.
  • Once the user moves to the SFSafariViewController, an Apple native pop-up will slide up to continue with the sign in.
Task {
    do {
        let url = try await client.auth.getOAuthSignInURL(provider: ****, redirectTo: URL(string: {Your Callback URL})!)
        safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: url as URL)
        self.present(safariVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)
    } catch {
        print("### Apple Sign in Error: \(error)")

Other Social Logins

  • If using a WebViews, other social logins will be similar to above. Just follow the Supabase's Documentation for their setup.

Basic CRUD Implementation

First, import and initialize SupabaseClient, as explained in "Usage" section.

Insert Data

  • You can either use Codable or Encodable and Decodable protocols for the model's struct. However without either, you will get an error saying Cannot convert value of type 'Void' to specified type 'InsertModel' when trying to cast the response to your model.
  • Create a model which follows your table's data structure:
struct InsertModel: Encodable, Decodable {
    let id: Int? // you can choose to omit this depending on how you've setup your table
    let title: String?
    let desc: String?

let insertData = InsertModel(title: "Test", desc: "Test Desc")
let query = client.database
            .from("{ Your Table Name }")
            .insert(values: insertData,
                    returning: .representation) // you will need to add this to return the added data
            .select(columns: "id") // specifiy which column names to be returned. Leave it empty for all columns
            .single() // specify you want to return a single value.

Task {
    do {
        let response: [InsertModel] = try await query.execute().value
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### Insert Error: \(error)")

Select Data

  • Using the same model as before:
let insertData = InsertModel(title: "Test", desc: "Test Desc")
let query = client.database
            .from("{ Your Table Name }")
            .select() // keep it empty for all, else specify returned data
            .match(query: ["title" : insertData.title, "desc": insertData.desc])

Task {
    do {
        let response: [InsertModel] = try await query.execute().value
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### Select Error: \(error)")

Update Data

  • Using the same model as before:
// Assuming the record above was inserted with id 1
let updateData = InsertModel(id: 1, title: "Test Edited", desc: "Test Desc Edited")
let query = client.database
            .from("{ Your Table Name }")
            .update(values: updateData,
                    returning: .representation) // you will need to add this to return the updated data
            .select(columns: "id") // specifiy which column names to be returned. Leave it empty for all columns
            .single() // specify you want to return a single value.

Task {
    do {
        let response: [InsertModel] = try await query.execute().value
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### Update Error: \(error)")

Delete Data

let query = client.database
            .from("{ Your Table Name }")
            .delete(returning: .representation) // you will need to add this to return the deleted data
                query: ["id" : 1] // assuming the record above was inserted with id 1
                // You can add additional conditions here
            .select() // specifiy which column names to be returned. Leave it empty for all columns

Task {
    do {
        let response: [InsertModel] = try await query.execute().value
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### Delete Error: \(error)")

Postgres Functions

  • Unlike the JavaScript library, you can't use the rpc method on the SupabaseClient, instead you need to use the rpc method on the PostgresClient:
struct YourFunctionNameParams: Codable {
    let param1: String
    let param2: String

let query = client.database.rpc(
    fn: "your_function_name",
    params: YourFunctionNameParams(param1: "param1", param2: "param2")
// Like in Supabase-js, you can use the `.single` method to return a single value.

Task {
    do {
        let response: [DataModel] = try await query.execute().value // Where DataModel is the model of the data returned by the function
        print("### Returned: \(response)")
    } catch {
        print("### RPC Error: \(error)")


  • Fork the repo on GitHub
  • Clone the project to your own machine
  • Commit changes to your own branch
  • Push your work back up to your fork
  • Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes and merge


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A Swift client for Supabase







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  • Swift 96.1%
  • Makefile 3.9%