In this repository I have tried to include what I have learnt about java.
I'm also going to add code and Handwritten notes parallely.
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to find any topic in this document.
! To Work with java, jdk(java development kit) is necessary. Learn more about this
- To check the Java version installed in your machine
- press
Windows key
& type CMD - press
Enter key
and type command to check java version
java -version
- press
- For downloading installer to install java on your system click here
- Visual Studio Code (install java extension)
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Notepad + CMD
- First create folder.
- Save file in that folder with .java extension to that file.
- Go to that folder and right click and open that folder in CMD / Terminal.
- First compile that file by command
- Now if it have no errors lets run it by command
java className
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 History
- 1.2 Working of Java and code breakdown
- 1.3 Data Types
- 1.4 Types of Variables
- 1.5 Reading Data from KeyBoard
- 2.0 Operators and Expression
- 2.1 Types of operators
- 2.2 Precedence of operators
- 2.3 Increment and decrement operators
- 2.4 Working of Bitwise operator
- 3.0 Control Statements
- 3.1 Conditionals ( If , if-else, if-elseif-else, switch)
- 3.2 Iteration/Loops
- 3.3 Break & Continue statement
- 3.4 Type Casting (Off the topic but important)
- 4.0 Number System
- 4.1 Number System
- 4.2 ASCII Values
- 5.0 Array
- 5.1 Array
- 5.2 Multi Dimensional Array
- 6.0 OOP
- 6.1 Class & Objects
- 6.2 Constructor
- 6.3 Instance and static block
- 6.4 Methods
- Static Method
- Method Overloading
- Variable arguments(varargs)
- 6.5 Static
- 6.6 Inner class
- 6.7 Singleton class
- 7.0 OOP Terminology
- 7.1 Inheritance
- 7.2 Polymorphism
- 7.3 Abstraction
- 7.4 Encapsulation
- 7.5 Super and Final keyword
- 7.6 Types of relationship
- 7.7 Aggregation
- 7.8 Abstract class and abstract method
- 8.0 Interfaces
- 8.1 Info
- 8.2 Extending an interface
- 9.0 Arraylist (Dynamic array)
- 9.1 Array vs Arraylist
- 9.2 Creating Arraylist
- 10.0 Exception handling
- 10.1 Basic Info(Exception, errors)
- 10.2 Types of Exceptions
- 10.3 Handling Exceptions
- try..... catch block
- try..... finally block
- Catching multiple exceptions
- Throw and throws keyword
- 11.0 Multitasking , multithreading and multiprocessing
- 11.1 Multitasking
- 11.2 Multiprocessing
- 11.3 Single threading
- 11.4 Multithreading
- multithreading vs multiprocessing
- Advantages
- Thread class
- Lifecycle of thread
- Execution
- Methods in thread class
- 11.5 Synchronization
- 12.0 Collections framework
- 12.1 Interfaces of collections framework
- 12.2 Collection Interface
- Collections Interface vs Collections framework
- Subinterfaces of Collections
- List interface
- Set interface
- Queue interface
- Map interface
- Iterator Interface
- Methods of Iterator
- List interface
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Vector class
- Stack class
- Set Interface
- Hashset class
- Linkedhashset class
- Treeset class
- Map Interface
- HashMap set
- LinkedHashMap Class
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