Simply include the /include directory and subdirectories in your Matlab path
Run the example scripts in the numbered sequence they are named in
Based on the following work:
Blatter, D., Key, K., Ray, A., Foley, N., Tulaczyk, S., & Auken, E. (2018).
Trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion of airborne transient EM data from
Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. Geophysical Journal International, 214(3), 1919-1936.
Ray, A., Alumbaugh, D. L., Hoversten, G. M., & Key, K. (2013).
Robust and accelerated Bayesian inversion of marine controlled-source
electromagnetic data using parallel tempering. Geophysics, 78(6), E271-E280.
Ray, A., & Key, K. (2012).
Bayesian inversion of marine CSEM data with a trans-dimensional self
parametrizing algorithm. Geophysical Journal International, 191(3), 1135-1151.