Allows to crop image and cover some image areas with another images.
- Select an image at your computer
- Crop image at the browser
- Select image mask and place it to the cropped image area u'd like to cover
- Select an other image mask or click "Submit"
Resulted image (cropped and merged with image masks) will be sent to the server using AJAX.
Example of uploading processing at src/upload.php
Install required modules using: npm install
Start development server: yarn start
Access development server at:
Build your cropper script: yarn build
src/ - your sources
-- src/app.scss - specific app style
-- src/_events.js - app events definitions
-- src/_ui.spinner.js - spinner example
-- src/_ui.form.croppie.scss - cropper-image-mask field style
-- src/_ui.form.croppie.js - cropper-image-mask field js
-- src/index.html - HTML example
-- src/img - some example images
-- src/upload.php - example of server-side processing
dist/ - compiled scipts after "yarn build"
You can open dist/index.html to see demo