This harness enables you to execute soap automation tests for supported functionality in FOSS
Install JDK 1.8 or higher
Install Git client
Install Apache Ant 1.9 or higher
Install STAF (this works only on Windows OS. On Latest Mac, STAF is having compatibility issues).
Link to download STAF:
Install STAF:
Set Environment Variables:
- Right click on My Computer icon > Properties >Advanced > Environment Variables > System Variables
- Create new Variable as JAVA_HOME and give variable value as “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8\bin” [Path of Java]
- Create new Variable as ANT_HOME and give variable value as “Ant_path” [Path of Ant]
- Under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it. > In the Edit windows, modify PATH by adding path of Java and path of ant, separated by ‘;’.
vi ~/.bash_profile export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" export "ANT_HOME=<Ant Home Path" export PATH=$PATH:<JAVA_HOME>/bin:<ANT_HOME>/bin source $HOME/.bash_profile
Clone the following repositories:
git clone git clone git clone git clone
Create a directory as ~/.ivy2/cache if not present under your user
Create a directory as ~/.zcs-deps directory. Download ant-contrib-1.0b1.jar and copy to ~/.zcs-deps directory.
Go to zm-mailbox directory and execute following command to generate necessary zimbra dependencies:
ant clean-ant publish-local-all -Dzimbra.buildinfo.version=8.8.3_GA
Go to zm-soap-harness directory and run jar target to get zm-soap-harness jar
ant jar
To build soapdata.tar run the following target:
ant build-soap-data-file
Start STAF service
Make sure that STAF is running properly
staf local ping ping – should return pong response
vi STAF.cfg file (found in bin folder of STAF Install directory) and add trust level of 5 for local and Zimbra server:
trust machine local://local level 5 trust machine 10.139.* level 5
Check staf ping to Zimbra server returns pong response:
staf <Zimbra server IP> ping ping
Register below STAF services:
staf local service add service SOAP LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE <soap harness folder>/build/dist/lib/zimbrastaf.jar staf local service add service LOG LIBRARY STAFLog staf local service add service INJECT LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE <soap harness folder>/build/dist/lib/zimbrainject.jar
Verify STAF services are listed using below command:
staf local service list
<soap harness folder>/conf/
and point to Zimbra server.Assuming your zimbra server name is the same as the default domain name, and the admin password is test123, you need to modify all instances of to your default domain name and modify all instances of localhost to your default domain name.
Run Single testcase of type Smoke:
Note: is Zimbra server.
STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE ZIMBRAQAROOT <soap harness folder> DIRECTORY <soap harness``` ```folder>\data\soapvalidator\Admin\Auth\AdminAuth_basic.xml LOG C:\ SUITE SMOKE``` Test Execution will be logged in C:\soapvalidator\Admin\Auth\AdminAuth_basic.txt
Run All the Smoke tests in folder Admin:
STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE ZIMBRAQAROOT <soap harness folder> DIRECTORY <<soap harness folder>/data/soapvalidator/Admin/ LOG C:\ SUITE SMOKE
Run All the Smoke tests:
Nohup STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE ZIMBRAQAROOT <soap harness folder> DIRECTORY <<soap harness folder>/data/soapvalidator/ LOG C:\ SUITE SMOKE
Result will be stored in nohup.out file
- Install JDK 1.8 or higher
- Install Apache Ant 1.9 or higher
- Install STAF
- Link to download STAF:
- Install STAF:
Copy soapdata.tar to Zimbra server
Extract soapdata.tar to /opt/qa/ using tar –xvf soapdata.tar command
Edit /opt/qa/soapvalidator/conf/ file, change domain/server values.
Add below services:
staf local service add service SOAP LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE /opt/qa/soapvalidator/bin/zimbrastaf.jar staf local service add service LOG LIBRARY STAFLog staf local service add service INJECT LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE /opt/qa/soapvalidator/bin/zimbrainject.jar
Verify STAF services are listed using below command:
staf local service list
Execute single test case on the setup:
STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE localhost ZIMBRAQAROOT /opt/qa/soapvalidator/ DIRECTORY /opt/qa/soapvalidator/data/soapvalidator/Admin/Auth/AdminAuth_basic.xml LOG /opt/ SUITE SMOKE
Test Execution will be logged in
Execute smoke suite:
nohup STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE localhost ZIMBRAQAROOT /opt/qa/soapvalidator/ DIRECTORY /opt/qa/soapvalidator/data/soapvalidator/ LOG /opt/ SUITE SMOKE &
To execute particular folder:
nohup STAF LOCAL soap EXECUTE localhost ZIMBRAQAROOT /opt/qa/soapvalidator/ DIRECTORY /opt/qa/soapvalidator/data/soapvalidator/Admin/ LOG /opt/ SUITE SMOKE &
Result will be stored under /root/nohup.out