released this
22 May 08:51
31 commits
to miku_oneclick_all
since this release
- IF your cheat is running dont need to use this one you can try but it really doesn't matter much
- Edited lol.dll to directly take the pub path lol.dll provided by @fadillzzz
- From this version onwards "C:/miku" folder will be created sorry for the issue
- Update to Korepi v1.3.1.3.v4 at Korepi
- Added node.js no need to manually install Node.js from now on.
- Update to bat files to directly delete cert from (localmachine/root) store
- Rename step2.bat to first-time-setup.bat & 启动程序.bat to start.bat
- Check Guide for installation.
- update to bat files for host edit.
- update to injector new injector added
- some minor time saved