Console version of the game "2048" for Windows
Console version of the game "2048" for GNU/Linux
You can move the tiles in four directions using the arrow keys: up, down, left, and right. All numbers on the board will slide into that direction until they hit the wall and if they bump into each other then two numbers will be combined into one if they have the same value. Each number will only be combined once per move. Every move a new number 2 or 4 appears. If you have a 2048 on the board you have won, but you lose once the board is full and you cannot make a move.
- GCC or VS Express 2013 for desktop
- GNU/Linux or Windows
####For Windows version
#####Get files,,
#####Compile by VS Express 2013
New Project - VC++ - Blank project, add main.c and draw.h to the project, compile and run it.
####For Linux version
gcc -o 2048 2048.c
The game supports different color schemes. For the original color scheme run:
For the black-to-white color scheme (requires 256 colors):
./2048 blackwhite
For the blue-to-red color scheme (requires 256 colors):
./2048 bluered
Contributions are very welcome. Always run the tests before committing using:
$ ./2048 test
All 13 tests executed successfully