A curated list of open source tools for water modeling in engineering and science.
- EFDC+ - Environmental fluid dynamics code developed by DSI, LLC
- BASINS - Multipurpose environmental analysis system designed to help regional, state, and local agencies perform watershed- and water quality-based studies
- WELLS - Multi-Well Variable-Rate Pumping-Test Analysis Tool (Hydrogeology, Aquifer Hydrodynamics, Groundwater Water Supply)
- MOHID - Three-dimensional water modelling system, developed by MARETEC (Marine and Environmental Technology Research Center) at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
- EPANET - Performs extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water distribution systems (e.g., pressurized pipe networks), which consist of pipes, nodes (junctions), pumps, valves, storage tanks, and reservoir