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使用 firebase 服务的 Flutter 聊天应用程序。此聊天应用程序基于 firebase firestore

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使用 firebase 服务的 Flutter 聊天应用程序。此聊天应用程序基于 firebase firestore


一、修复 iOS 模拟器运行时提示错误存取权遭封锁:授权错误




三、添加依赖 google_sign_in

1、如果您需要向后端服务器进行身份验证,您可以在 GoogleService-Info.plist 中添加 SERVER_CLIENT_ID 键值对。 SERVER_CLIENT_ID可以从 iOS 应用对应的GoogleService-Info.plist 文件中获取到。

2、然后将下面的 CFBundleURLTypes 属性添加到 [my_project]/ios/Runner/Info.plist 文件中。

<!-- Put me in the [my_project]/ios/Runner/Info.plist file -->
<!-- Google Sign-in Section -->
			<!-- TODO Replace this value: -->
			<!-- Copied from GoogleService-Info.plist key REVERSED_CLIENT_ID -->
<!-- End of the Google Sign-in Section -->

3、作为将 GoogleService-Info.plist 添加到 Xcode 项目的替代方法,您可以在 Dart 代码中配置应用程序。 在这种情况下,请跳过步骤 3 到 7,并将 clientId 和 serverClientId 传递给 GoogleSignIn 构造函数:

GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(
  // The OAuth client id of your app. This is required.
  clientId: ...,
  // If you need to authenticate to a backend server, specify its OAuth client. This is optional.
  serverClientId: ...,


1、在 firebase 中添加项目 项目名:flutter-firebase-chat


➜ firebase_chat git:(main) ✗ flutterfire configure
⠹ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠸ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠼ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠴ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠦ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠧ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠇ Fetching available Firebase projects...
⠏ Fetching available Firebase projects...
i Found 3 Firebase projects.
✔ Select a Firebase project to configure your Flutter application with · flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c (flutter-firebase-chat)
✔ Which platforms should your configuration support (use arrow keys & space to select)? · android, ios, web
i Firebase android app com.example.firebase_chat is not registered on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
i Registered a new Firebase android app on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
i Firebase ios app com.example.firebaseChat is not registered on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
i Registered a new Firebase ios app on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
i Firebase web app firebase_chat (web) is not registered on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
i Registered a new Firebase web app on Firebase project flutter-firebase-chat-fbd3c.
? The files android/build.gradle & android/app/build.gradle will be updated to apply Firebase configuration and gradle build plugins. Do you want to continue?
✔ The files android/build.gradle & android/app/build.gradle will be updated to apply Firebase configuration and gradle build plugins. Do you want to continue? · yes

Firebase configuration file lib/firebase_options.dart generated successfully with the following Firebase apps:

Platform Firebase App Id
web 1:294954183165:web:d6bcb9709829a9b7365194
android 1:294954183165:android:718994526537dade365194
ios 1:294954183165:ios:58f7a94ef3ad8026365194

Learn more about using this file and next steps from the documentation:


完成后会在对 ios、andorid、web 三个平台生成对应的配置文件. ios: GoogleService-Info.plist android: google-services.json web:

备注:在我的应用中,iOS、Android 两个应用分别有 GoogleService-Info.plist 和 google-services.json 文件,需要下载到本地,与之前自动生成的文件进行对比,如果不同,则需要手动替换。


  # Firebase Core 的 Flutter 插件,可连接到多个 Firebase 应用程序。
  firebase_core: ^2.15.1
  # 适用于 Firebase Auth 的 Flutter 插件,支持使用密码、电话号码和 Google、Facebook 和 Twitter 等身份提供商进行 Android 和 iOS 身份验证。
  firebase_auth: ^4.9.0

4、iOS、Android 真机运行 结果:均运行 OK。


使用 firebase 服务的 Flutter 聊天应用程序。此聊天应用程序基于 firebase firestore






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