The goal of the project is to analyze the influence of various pre-processing methods, such as variant filtering, LD-pruning, and PCA or multi-dimensional scaling transformations of genotype matrix, and their parameters on the final results of the classification/clustering algorithms for population structure analysis.
Popgen icnludes two frameworks:
popgenR, a tool for the analysis of population structure with automated estimation of the optimal QC’s and machine learning’s parameters. Such a framework is capable to fine-tune these parameters for different levels of ethnic populations, such as super- and sub-population groups define in 1000 Genomes dataset.
popgenSpark, a tool that deal with dataset containing large number of samples (e.g. > 10,000 individuals). Both dimensionality reduction and machine learning methods have been implemented using Apache Spark.
- popgenR
Install the package from the source code:
R CMD INSTALL popgen_0.1.0_R_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- popgenSpark
In the folder popgen-spark run
sbt assembly
- popgenR
- Load data:
genofile <- chr22load() # Load chr 22
panel <- panelLoad() # Load panel file
pop.df <- panel[, c(1, 3)] # Select SampleId and Region
colnames(pop.df) <- c("SampleId", "Region")
- Tune the LD:
min.maf <- 0.005
max.maf <- 0.05
npc <- 5
ld.set <- seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1)
ld.tuning.result <- tuningLD(genofile, pop.df, min.maf, max.maf, ld.set, n.pc = n.pc,
n.clusters = length(unique((pop.df$Region)))) # ld tuning
ld.tuning.result$crossTbl # tuned parameters
plotTuning(ld.tuning.result$crossTbl) # plot
- Perform clustering and plot the map:
n.clusters <- length(unique((pop.df$Region))) # perform clustering for n = number of population groups
pca.df <- getQCPCAdf(genofile, pop.df, min.maf, max.maf, ld = ld.tuning.result$bestLD, npc = npc,
with.eig.tbl = F) # QC analysis, ld.tuning.result$bestLD is tuned LD
obj.hclust <- HClust( data = pca.df, k = n.clusters) # hierarchical clustering
obj.kmeans <- kmeansClust( data = pca.df, k = n.clusters) # kmeans
obj.emc <- emcClust( data = pca.df, k = n.clusters) # em
summaryClustering(obj.hclust, obj.kmeans, obj.emc) # clustering evaluation metrics
obj.hclust@conf.matr # confusion matrix
prediction.df <- cbind(pca.df, obj.hclust@prediction) # bind with PCs, needed for plot
plotMap2(prediction.df, PC3, PC2) # or plotMap(prediction.df, PC3, PC2)
More examples can be found in the folder popgen-0.1.0/tests/
- popgenSpark
- PCA with Spark Mllib
val df ="path/to/chr22snps.parquet")
val nPC: Int = 5
val labels: String = "Region"
val ignoredColumn = "SampleId"
val colNames = ds.columns.filter(c => c != labels && c != ignoredColumn)
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val pca = new PCA()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(assembler, pca))
val model =
val pcaFeaturesDF = model.transform(ds).select(labels, ignoredColumn, "features")
- K-means with H2O:
val numClust = 5
val h2oDF = h2oContext.asH2OFrame(df)
h2oDF.replace(h2oDF.find("Region"), h2oDF.vec("Region").toCategoricalVec()).remove()
val kmeansParameters = new KMeansParameters()
kmeansParameters._train = h2oDF._key
kmeansParameters._response_column = labels
kmeansParameters._ignored_columns = ignoredColumns
kmeansParameters._k = numClust
val kmeans = new KMeans(kmeansParameters)
val kmeansModel = kmeans.trainModel().get()
val predictionDF = kmeansModel.score(h2oDF)
predictionDF.add("prediction", predictionDF.vec("predict").toCategoricalVec)
- popgenSpark
spark-submit <spark-options> --class com.zsibio.popgen.ClusteringMllibDF <path/to/jar> <path/to/chr.parquet>