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Assimp Test Project

Yvens Rebouças Serpa edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 2 revisions


Assimp Test project tests the usage of Assimp to load 3D models. It should successfully load models and model hierarchy, but it ignores textures. The final loaded model is displayed in an 800x600 window, rotating around the Y-axis about 5˚ per frame. The overall tests were done loading .fbx files exported from Blender.

Model Export

In order to be successfully loaded, the model must be exported setting the scale to FBX Unit Scale property, as shown in the image above: Setting FBX Unit Scale in Blender

Command Line

Assimp Test program can be run via command line accepting as first and only argument the absolute path for the loaded file. If no argument is used, it will by default load the "monkey_cube1.fbx" file.

Example Files

There are 6 examples to test the hierarchy loading. From now on, the Blender Monkey, also known as Suzanne, will be referenced by monkey:

  • monkey.fbx - only one monkey in the origin
  • monkey_cube1.fbx - one monkey in the origin and a cube with an offset
  • monkey_cube2.fbx - one monkey in the origin and a cube with an offset parented to the monkey
  • monkey_cube3.fbx - one monkey in the origin, a cube with an offset parented to the monkey, and another monkey
  • monkey_cube4.fbx - one monkey in the origin, a cube with an offset parented to the monkey, a cube with an offset parented to the previous cube, and another monkey and a cube with an offset parented to the monkey
  • monkey_cube5.fbx - one monkey in the origin, a cube with an offset parented to the monkey, a cube with an offset parented to the previous cube, a monkey with a rotation and scale transformation parented to the previous cube, and another monkey and a cube with an offset parented to the monkey

Monkey_cube5 example

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